


Unix标准化有四个,ISO C、IEEE POSIX、Single Unix Specification、FIPS


ISO C标准现在由ISO/IEC的C程序设计语言国际标准工作组维护和开发。ISO C标准的意图是提供C程序的可移植性,使其能适应于大量的操作系统。标准不但定义了C程序设计语言的语法,还规定了必备的标准库。
1999年,ISO C标准被更新,在C89的基础上增加了基本数据类型、关键字和一些系统函数,这也是目前主流的C语言编译器标准,即C99标准,是继C89以后的第二个C语言官方标准。自1999年以来,也有3次技术勘误用于修正ISO C标准,分别于2001年、2004年和2007年,2011年还更新了C11标准,但是非常遗憾的是,标准审批和实际生产还是有一定时间延迟,所以C11标准目前还并非主流。
根据ISO C标准,C程序设计语言有24个头文件,目前所有的Unix环境都支持这些头文件。

头文件 说明
<assert.h> 验证程序断言
<complex.h> 复数运算支持
<ctype.h> 字符分类和映射支持
<errno.h> 错误码
<fenv.h> 浮点环境
<float.h> 浮点支持
<inttypes.h> 整型格式转换
<iso646.h> 赋值、关系、一元操作符宏
<limits.h> 实现常量
<locale.h> 本地化支持
<math.h> 数学运算库
<setjmp.h> 非局部goto
<signal.h> 信号支持
<stdarg.h> 可变长度参数
<stdbool.h> 布尔类型支持
<stddef.h> 标准定义
<stdint.h> 标准整形
<stdio.h> 标准输入输出
<stdlib.h> 实用函数库
<string.h> 字符串操作
<tgmath.h> 通用类型数学宏
<time.h> 时间日期支持
<wchar.h> 多字节宽字符支持
<wctype.h> 宽字符分类和映射支持

IEEE POSIX在原书内指的是IEEE 1003.1操作系统接口标准,该标准的1988版本递交给ISO,最终成为了国际标准POSIX.1,而后IEEE 1003.1工作组对其作出很多修订,包括了著名的pthreads多线程接口。POSIX标准不仅包含了ISO C标准函数库,还根据标准要求提供包含了系统调用和库函数的头文件,在这里就不一一列出了。由于POSIX标准只是定义了操作系统接口而非实现,所以并未区分系统调用和库函数。其接口分为两部分,一部分是强制规定必须的部分,而另外一部分是非强制要求的可选部分,

Single Unix Specification

Single Unix Specification是POSIX.1标准的一个超集,它定义了一系列附加接口扩展了POSIX.1的功能,Open Group拥有Unix商标,他们定义了SUS标准,一个系统想要称为Unix系统,就必须实现这些接口,并且通过验收性测试,才能得到Unix商标使用权,其中就包括了Mac OS X系统,而Linux虽然实现了这些接口,但是从未提出过申请,所以Linux没有得到过Unix商标。





  1. 编译时限制(头文件)

  2. 运行时限制:sysconfpathconffpathconf

除了Unix系统要求的限制,C程序设计语言的ISO C标准也提供了编译时限制,所有的限制都被放在<limits.h>头文件中,但是注意,这些限制的具体值实际上是由Unix系统规定的而不是C语言规定。

long sysconf(int name);
long pathconf(const char *pathname, int name);
long fpathconf(int fd, int name);


The pathconf() and fpathconf() functions provides a method for applications to determine the current value of a configurable system limit or option variable associated with a pathname or file descriptor.


             The maximum file link count.

             The maximum number of bytes in terminal canonical input line.

             The minimum maximum number of bytes for which space is available in a terminal input queue.

             The maximum number of bytes in a file name.

             The maximum number of bytes in a pathname.

             The maximum number of bytes which will be written atomically to a pipe.

             Return 1 if appropriate privileges are required for the chown(2) system call, otherwise 0.

             Return 1 if file names longer than KERN_NAME_MAX are truncated.

             Returns the terminal character disabling value.

             Returns the number of bits used to store maximum extended attribute size in bytes.  For example, if the maximum attribute size
             supported by a file system is 128K, the value returned will be 18.  However a value 18 can mean that the maximum attribute size
             can be anywhere from (256KB - 1) to 128KB.  As a special case, the resource fork can have much larger size, and some file system
             specific extended attributes can have smaller and preset size; for example, Finder Info is always 32 bytes.


             The maximum bytes of argument to execve(2).

             The maximum number of simultaneous processes per user id.

             The frequency of the statistics clock in ticks per second.

             The maximum number of elements in the I/O vector used by readv(2), writev(2), recvmsg(2), and sendmsg(2).

             The maximum number of supplemental groups.

             The number of processors configured.

             The number of processors currently online.

             The maximum number of open files per user id.

             The size of a system page in bytes.

             The minimum maximum number of streams that a process may have open at any one time.

             The minimum maximum number of types supported for the name of a timezone.

             Return 1 if job control is available on this system, otherwise -1.

             Returns 1 if saved set-group and saved set-user ID is available, otherwise -1.

             The version of IEEE Std 1003.1 (``POSIX.1'') with which the system attempts to comply.

             The maximum ibase/obase values in the bc(1) utility.

             The maximum array size in the bc(1) utility.

             The maximum scale value in the bc(1) utility.

             The maximum string length in the bc(1) utility.

             The maximum number of weights that can be assigned to any entry of the LC_COLLATE order keyword in the locale definition file.

             The maximum number of expressions that can be nested within parenthesis by the expr(1) utility.

             The maximum length in bytes of a text-processing utility's input line.

             The maximum number of repeated occurrences of a regular expression permitted when using interval notation.

             The version of IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') with which the system attempts to comply.

             Return 1 if the system's C-language development facilities support the C-Language Bindings Option, otherwise -1.

             Return 1 if the system supports the C-Language Development Utilities Option, otherwise -1.

             Return 1 if the system supports at least one terminal type capable of all operations described in IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2''),
             otherwise -1.

             Return 1 if the system supports the FORTRAN Development Utilities Option, otherwise -1.

             Return 1 if the system supports the FORTRAN Runtime Utilities Option, otherwise -1.

             Return 1 if the system supports the creation of locales, otherwise -1.

             Return 1 if the system supports the Software Development Utilities Option, otherwise -1.

             Return 1 if the system supports the User Portability Utilities Option, otherwise -1.






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