Earlier we mentioned that when learning to compress JS, CSS, images and other files, you need to use some related plug-ins. Gulp provides some useful plug-ins to handle HTML and CSS, JavaScript, graphics, and some other content. Let's take a look at some of the different types of plugins in gulp.
HTML and CSS plugins
Plug-in | description |
autoprefixer | Automatically include prefixes for CSS properties |
gulp-browser-sync | Used to monitor all HTML and CSS files in the CSS directory, and perform real-time reloading of pages in all browsers when the files are changed |
gulp-useref | Used to replace references to non-optimized scripts or style sheets |
gulp-email-design | Create HTML email template, convert CSS style to inline |
gulp-uncss | Optimize CSS files and find unused and repeated styles |
gulp-csso | Is a CSS optimizer that can minimize CSS files, thereby reducing file size |
gulp-htmlmin | Minimize HTML file |
gulp-csscomb | Style formatter for making CSS |
gulp-csslint | It specifies a CSS linter |
gulp-htmlhint | Specify an HTML validator |
JavaScript plugin
Plug-in | description |
gulp-autopolyfiller | It is the same as autoprefixer, including the necessary polyfill for JavaScript |
gulp-jsfmt | Used to search for specific code snippets |
gulp-jscs | Used to check JavaScript code style |
gulp-modernizr | Specify the HTML, CSS and JavaScript functions provided by the user's browser |
gulp-express | Started the gulp express.js web server |
gulp-requirejs | Use require.js to combine require.js AMD modules into one file |
gulp-plato | Generate complexity analysis report |
gulp-complexity | Analyzed the complexity and maintainability of the code |
fixmyjs | Fixed JSHint results |
gulp-jscpd | Used as a copy/paste detector for source code |
gulp-jsonlint | Is a JSON validator |
gulp-uglify | JavaScript files minified |
gulp-concat | Link CSS files |
Unit test plugin
Plug-in | description |
gulp-nodeunit | Run Gulp's node unit test |
gulp-jasmine | Used to report issues related to output |
gulp-qunit | Provide basic console output for QUnit test, and use PhantomJS node module and PhantomJS runner QUnit plug-in |
gulp-mocha | Specify the thin packaging around Mocha and run the Mocha test |
gulp-karma | Deprecated in Gulp |
Graphics plugin
Plug-in | description |
gulpicon | Generate sprites from SVG and convert them to PNG |
gulp-iconfont | Used with web fonts to create WOFF, EOT, TTF files from SVG |
gulp-imacss | Convert image files to data URIs and put them in a single CSS file |
gulp-responsive | Generate responsive images for different devices |
gulp-sharp | It is used to change and adjust the orientation and background of the image |
gulp-svgstore | Combine SVG files and elements into one file |
gulp-imagemin&gulp-tinypng | Used to compress PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG and other images |
gulp-spritesmith | Used to create a spritesheet from a set of images and CSS variables |
Compiler plugin
Plug-in | description |
gulp-less | A few plugins are provided for Gulp |
gulp-sass | Provide SASS plug-in for Gulp |
gulp-compass | Compass plug-in for Gulp |
gulp-stylus | Used to save the stylus in CSS |
gulp-coffee | Provide coffeescript plugin for Gulp |
gulp-handlebars | Handle plug-in is provided for Gulp |
gulp-jst | Provide underline templates in JST |
gulp-react | Specify the Facebook React JSX template as JavaScript |
gulp-nunjucks | Specify Nunjucks template in JST |
gulp- dustjs | Dust template specified in JST |
gulp-angular-templatecache | Specify AngularJS template in templateCache |
Other plugins
The gulp-clean plugin deletes files and folders, and the gulp-copy plugin copies files from the source file to the new destination.
Plug-in | description |
gulp-grunt | Run Grunt tasks from Gulp |
gulp-watch | Whenever a change is made, it will monitor the file |
gulp-notify | As long as the task fails, it will notify the error message |
gulp-git | It allows the use of Git commands. |
gulp-jsdoc | Create JavaScript documentation for Gulp |
gulp-rev | It provides static asset revisions to file names |
gulp-bump | Added the version in the JSON package |
gulp-bower-files | Used to inject the pavilion bag |
gulp-removelogs | The console.log statement has been removed |
gulp-preprocess | Preprocess HTML, JavaScript and other files according to context or environment configuration |
gulp-connect | It is used for the web server running LiveReload |
gulp-shell | Run Shell commands |
gulp-ssh | Connect using SSH and SFTP tasks |
gulp-zip | It compresses files and folders |
gulp-util | Provide utility tools for gulp plugin |
gulp-filesize | It specifies the file size in a human readable format |
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