Time is so precious to learn a new skill in an hour! What about ten minutes? This article records several scenarios that need to be quickly used in work docker
, and really helps you get started in ten minutes!
Scenario 1: Understanding what Docker is
If you don’t know much about Docker, you should search it yourself. This article is based on what you at least know about Docker; Docker is a tool for creating a unified development or production environment through standard configuration files, and its core is the image (already configured Well various environments).
Scenario 2: Configure Docker domestic image
Nothing to say, go directly to the method
If you are installing a Mac or Windows client, you can configure the mirror address as shown in the figure
Under Linux:
# vi /etc/docker/daemon.json
"registry-mirrors": ["http://hub-mirror.c.163.com", "https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn"]
# 然后根据你是Ubuntu还是Centos等其他系统,重启docker服务即可
Scenario 3: Quickly find and download the Docker environment you need
# 查找环境(后面的 `--no-trunc` 是为了完整输出描述信息) # 你也可以去 `https://hub.docker.com/` 网站搜索,搜索功能更强大 docker search mysql --no-trunc # 搜索某个镜像的tags(这个docker并未提供原生命令,解决方案都是利用docker提供的开放api进行搜索,或者去 `https://hub.docker.com/` 查阅 # 本命令来自 `https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28320134/how-can-i-list-all-tags-for-a-docker-image-on-a-remote-registry`) wget -q https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/ubuntu/tags -O - | sed -e 's/[][]//g' -e 's/"//g' -e 's/ //g' | tr '}' '\n' | awk -F: '{print $3}' # 下载某个镜像 docker pull mysql # 下载某个特定 `tags`(通常是版本号)的镜像,强烈建议制定 `tags` 下载,尤其是生产环境 docker pull mysql:8.0 # 删除某个镜像 docker rmi mysql
Scenario 4: Create, run and enter a container based on an image
# 查看所有容器 docker ps -a # -a 参数可以查看已停止运行的容器 # 基于某个镜像创建容器并运行 docker create -it --name='ubuntu-20' ubuntu # 参数 `-it` 标识了可以支持标准输入输出,通常一起使用 `--name` 为该容器起个名字,强烈建议一定起一个独立名字 docker start ubuntu-20 # 启动该容器 docker exec -it ubuntu-20 /bin/bash # 在该容器运行交互命令行工具,即可进入容器 # 快速创建并运行 # 这是一条整合命令,相当于上面的三条,特别注意,如果不添加 `-d` 参数,运行后直接进入到容器交互模式,如果此时exit退出,则容器会自动停止,`-d` 是保证后台运行 docker run -it -d --name='ubuntu-20' ubuntu /bin/bash # 容器操作是docker中最复杂的功能,需要多多学习研究
Scenario 5: Mapping local ports and file directories
# Docker 最核心的功能就是代替宿主机运行我们的服务(尤其是微服务),所以要开放端口给外界能够访问,开发环境中还要开放目录方便代码及配置共享,调试发布镜像 # `-P` 自动映射所有开放的端口, 映射多个直接指定多个 `--expose` 参数即可 docker run -it -d -P --name=port-test --expose=8000 --expose=8001 ubuntu /bin/bash # `-p` 指定端口映射,通常我们都是使用-p指定端口,方便自动化运维 docker run -it -d -p 8000:8000 --name=port-test ubuntu /bin/bash # 查看容器映射的端口 docker port port-test # 8000/tcp -> # 8000/tcp -> :::55002 # 映射目录Docker提供了两个参数,分别是不同的方式,其中 `-v` 足够平时开发调试使用,如果是使用更加完善的文件管理,请使用 `--mount` 参数,这里只记录下 `-v` 的使用: docker run -it -d -v /path/to/source/test:/www --name=share-test ubuntu /bin/bash # 进入容器后,可发现 `/www` 可访问
Scenario 6: Fixed Docker container IP for easier automation
After Docker is installed, three network types will be created, one of which can be specified when creating a container;
When docker run, you can specify the network card type through the--network
parameter$ docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE e6eaace1cd3e bridge bridge local #创建虚拟网卡进行通信 a6a9b06010ae host host local #与主机共享网卡,特别提醒:该模式仅支持Linux系统,Mac下指定该模式后容器内的IP与主机不一致,且主机无法访问容器内 547191ac0139 none null local #无网络链接
Non-special scenarios (such as high network requirements) are generally configured as bridge. In this mode, restarting the container by default will re-assign IP, and the default virtual network card
The parameters are invalid and must be created by creating a Customize the virtual network card to achieve the purpose of fixed IP# 指定网卡网段,注意下面两条命令分别创建了B类和C类IP两个网段的网卡,具体了解可自行百度,实际使用可选用 `--subnet=` B类网段,IP地址很多,足够用了 docker network create --subnet= mynetwork docker network create --subnet= mynetwork192 # 创建容器并指定IP docker run -itd --name net172 --net=mynetwork --ip= ubuntu /bin/bash
Original address: https://www.j2do.com/post/docker/
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