1. What is a pseudo-array
There is a kind of array, or pseudo-array, in JavaScript. Artificial arrays are often seen function arguments
objects, dom.querySelectorAll
like acquired NodeList
class ( NodeList
itself forEach
method) and the like.
Pseudo-array is not an array, it does not inherit Array.prototype
, but it "looks like an array", it does not have standard methods for arrays, but it can reuse these standard methods.
function arrayLike() {
arguments.forEach(a => console.log(a));//TypeError: arguments.forEach is not a function
arrayLike(1, 2, 3);
As shown in the above example, the arguments
object itself does not have forEach
methods, but it can reuse these standard methods of arrays.
function arrayLike() {
// arguments.forEach(a => console.log(a));
[].forEach.call(arguments, a => console.log(a));// 1 2 3 通过call改变this指向,调用数组的方法
[...arguments].forEach(a => console.log(a));// 1 2 3 构建一个真实数组,然后调用数组的方法
arrayLike(1, 2, 3);
2. How to create a pseudo-array object
An array object must have two characteristics:
- Has an integer length attribute in the 0~2 32 -1
- The length property is greater than the maximum index of the object, the index is an integer in the range of 0-2 32 -2
So it is very simple, as long as these two characteristics are realized, an object is a pseudo-array object.
const arr = {
1: 'AAA',
3: 'CCC',
length: 8,
[].forEach.call(arr, (item, i) => console.log(item, i)); //AAA 1 CCC 3
3. concat
method of array
For arrays and pseudo-arrays, among the standard methods for arrays, only the concat
method is not universal. For a pseudo-array, the concat
method connects them as a whole.
console.log([].concat.call(arr, [7, 8]));//[ { '1': 'AAA', '3': 'CCC', length: 8 }, 7, 8 ]
console.log([1, 2].concat([7, 8]));//[ 1, 2, 7, 8 ]
for arrays and pseudo-arrays. When encountering this situation, we only have to convert the pseudo-arrays ourselves, for example:
1. Copy the pseudo-array through the slice method
console.log([].concat.call([].slice.call(arr), [7, 8]));
//[ <1 empty item>, 'AAA', <1 empty item>, 'CCC', <4 empty items>, 7, 8 ]
2. Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
be pseudo array object change concat
default behavior when operating
const arr = {
1: 'AAA',
3: 'CCC',
length: 8,
[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]: true,
console.log([].concat.call(arr, [7, 8]));
//[ <1 empty item>, 'AAA', <1 empty item>, 'CCC', <4 empty items>, 7, 8 ]
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