As a Java back-end development, it is often necessary to define Java objects such as Controller, Service, Dao, Mapper, XML, and VO when developing API interfaces. We even use a code generator to generate these codes from the database! Is there any way we can directly manipulate the database to generate an API interface without writing these codes? Today I recommend a tool magic-api to help us achieve this small goal!

SpringBoot actual combat e-commerce project mall (40k+star) address: https://github.com/macrozheng/mall

Introduction to magic-api

magic-api is a Java-based interface rapid development framework. The writing interface will be magic-api , which is automatically mapped to an HTTP interface without defining Java objects such as Controller, Service, Dao, Mapper, XML, and VO.


Next, let's take a real battle and use magic-api to develop the API interface.

Use in SpringBoot

magic-api supports SpringBoot and can be seamlessly integrated with SpringBoot.
  • First add magic-api related dependencies pom.xml
<!--接口快速开发框架 magic-api-->
  • Add data source and magic-api related configuration in the configuration file application.yml
    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/magic_api?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai
    username: root
    password: root

  # 配置api管理页面入口
  web: /magic/web
  # 配置存储方式
    # 配置接口资源存储位置,可选file、database、redis
    type: database
    # 存储表名
    tableName: magic_api_file
    # 使用database、redis存储时的key前缀
    prefix: /magic-api
    # 是否是只读模式
    readonly: false
  # 启用驼峰命名转换
  sql-column-case: camel
  # 分页配置
    # 页大小的请求参数名称
    size: size
    # 页码的请求参数名称
    page: page
    # 未传页码时的默认页码
    default-page: 1
    # 未传页大小时的默认页大小
    default-size: 10
  • Create the database magic_api in MySQL. Since we are configured to use database storage interface resources, we need to create the magic_api_file table first;
CREATE TABLE `magic_api_file`
  `id`           bigint(255) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `file_path`    varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `file_content` text,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  • Then create the pms_brand table for testing;
CREATE TABLE `pms_brand` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `big_pic` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `brand_story` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `factory_status` bit(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `first_letter` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `logo` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `product_comment_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `product_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `show_status` bit(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `sort` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Addition, deletion, modification

Next, we will take product brand management as an example to experience magic-api develop an interface! Use magic-api develop API interface, only need to use magic-script script in the interface.
  • First, let's write a new interface, first create a group, then create a new interface in the group, enter the following script in the edit box;
// 使用body对象可以直接获取请求body中的参数
return db.table('pms_brand').insert(body);
  • Configure the following configuration interface information at the bottom POST request, the request path is /create , and the request parameters are placed in the request body;

  • Here is another interface for querying by ID, and enter the following script in the edit box;
// 路径变量从path对象中获取
return db.table('pms_brand')
  • Perform the following configuration interface information at the bottom GET request, the request path is /detail/{id} , and the request parameters are placed in the path variable;

  • Here is a modified interface, enter the following script in the edit box;
return db.table('pms_brand').primary('id',body.id).update(body);
  • Configure the following configuration interface information at the bottom POST request, the request path is /update , and the request parameters are placed in the request body;

  • Here is another page query interface, and enter the following script in the edit box;
return db.table('pms_brand').page();
  • Configure the following interface information at the bottom GET request, the request path is /page , and the request parameters are placed in the request parameters (because application.yml , they can be used directly);

  • Here is another interface to delete based on ID, enter the following script in the edit box, delete can only use update, this design is a bit...
return db.update('delete from pms_brand where id=#{id}'); 
  • Configure the following configuration interface information at the bottom POST request, the request path is /delete/{id} , and the request parameters are placed in the path variable;

Parameter verification

We can verify the parameters through the assertion module assert
  • For example, when adding a brand, the name and first letter cannot be empty, enter the following script in the edit box;
import assert;  //导入断言模块
return db.table('pms_brand').insert(body);
  • Configure the following interface information at the bottom POST , the request path is /test , and the request parameters are placed in the request body;

  • When we do not add the name field, the calling interface will return the error message and status code defined by ourselves.

Result conversion

We can use the map method to transform the query data and return the data we want.
  • For example, if we want to convert showStatus to Chinese description, and only return three required fields, enter the following script in the edit box;
var list = db.table('pms_brand').select();
return list.map((item)=>{
    name : item.name,
    firstLetter : item.firstLetter,
    showStatus : item.showStatus? '不显示' : '显示'
  • By accessing this interface, you can find in the execution result that the returned result has been converted.

Use transaction

When we use Java to develop interfaces, transactions are indispensable. Of course, magic-api also supports transactions. db.transaction() use the 060b6e6308a5d6 method, which supports automatic and manual transactions.
  • Take the example of modifying the brand, first check whether it exists, and update if it exists;
import assert; 
var val = db.transaction(()=>{
    var exist = db.table('pms_brand').where().eq('id',body.id).selectOne();
    return v2;
return val;
  • Configure the following interface information at the bottom POST request, the request path is /test , and the request parameters are placed in the request body;

Integrate Swagger

So many interfaces have been written, and they are all magic-api in the interface of 060b6e6308a7cb. If you are used to using Swagger, magic-api can also be seamlessly integrated with Swagger.
  • First add Swagger related dependencies pom.xml
    <!--Swagger-UI API文档生产工具-->
  • Add Swagger related configuration in the configuration file application.yml
  # 集成Swagger配置
    # 文档名称
    name: MagicAPI 测试接口
    # 文档标题
    title: MagicAPI Swagger Docs
    # 文档描述
    description: MagicAPI 测试接口信息
    # 文档版本号
    version: 1.0
    # 文档资源位置
    location: /v2/api-docs/magic-api/swagger2.json

to sum up

magic-api is a very interesting framework. You can develop API interfaces by using simple scripts in the UI interface. But as a niche framework, magic-api still has a long way to go!


Official document: https://ssssssss.org/

Project source code address


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