
Chaohua Blockchain is new, and we will invite a technology tycoon or application pioneer to speak out in each issue to share blockchain technology practices and industry application cases. The whole sharing process will be carried out by video live broadcast.

On June 10th, at 8 pm this Thursday, the community invited WeBank's blockchain core developer Wang Yue to the live broadcast room to share with you that data governance has helped blockchain move towards the era of big data. Welcome [Scan the QR code below] to add a WeChat assistant to enter the live broadcast room to communicate.

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FISCO BCOS是开源联盟区块链底层技术平台,由金融区块链合作联盟(简称金链盟)成立开源工作组通力打造。成员包括博彦科技、华为、深证通、神州数码、四方精创、腾讯、微众银行、亦笔科技和越秀金科等金链盟成员机构。


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