Static method
A method is called, what is the return value of the method?
Who called the method and in which class
How to jump between methods
What do the three values in the new cycle represent
Who passed the request from the front end, who accepted it, and how to respond
The value of the name attribute in the front-end page needs to correspond to what attribute on the server side
When inserting data, the 3 question marks in precompilation are assigned to set
When getting data, what does 1234 mean? Get the value
When getting the Emp object, there is an attribute value of null, what is the reason
When doing a database query, check it all, why the return value type is ArrayList
What does JDBC do
Hierarchical structure
What is precompilation
What is SQL injection
I understand for the time being, I will come back later
What annotations have you all learned now and what meanings they represent
Create SpringBoot project, import jar package, write configuration file
Mybatis annotation
- @Mapper
- @Options
- @Result
- @Results
- @ResultMap
- @Select
- @Delete
- @Update
SQL statements in the form of Mybatis annotations
Front-end to database execution process
Test class in SpringBoot project
What is synchronous and what is asynchronous
How to use axios
How to hand over the class to Spring to manage
How to inject objects into references
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