
The TOC of Mulan Open Source Community held an incubation project review meeting on June 8. This meeting reviewed 5 open source projects, covering database, big data processing, networking, streaming media, cloud computing and other fields.

A total of 9 experts participated in the voting this time, all of which agreed with them, no abstentions or negative votes, and in principle met the conditions for entering the incubation. The incubation project under the Mulan Open Source Community adopts a multi-mentor mechanism and an open governance structure.

List of participating experts

(names not listed in order)
Minghui Zhou (Peking University)
Tao Wang (National University of Defense Technology)
Wang Wei (East China Normal University)
Jin Yaohui (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Chen Xu (Alibaba Cloud)
Li Yongle (Huawei)
Wang Qing (Intel)
Wang Xu (Ant Group)
Shan Zhihao (Tencent Cloud)


Mentor: Chen Xu, Wang Wei

Submitter: OcenanBase R&D Director Ji Junxiang (Ant Group)

OceanBase Community Edition is an open source distributed HTAP (Hybrid Transactional / Analytical Processing) database management system with a native distributed architecture and supports enterprise-level features such as financial-level high availability, transparent horizontal expansion, distributed transactions, multi-tenancy, and syntax compatibility. . The OceanBase core has passed the test of large-scale commercial scenarios, has served many industry customers, and is now continuing to build core technology competitiveness in the future.

OceanBase Client (OBClient for short) is a client tool developed based on MariaDB. You can use OBClient to access the OceanBase database cluster.


Mentor: Shan Zhihao, Wang Tao

Submitter: PiFlow team member Zhou Jianpeng ( Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences )

PiFlow is a big data pipeline processing and scheduling system based on distributed computing framework technology. The system abstracts and develops big data collection, cleaning, storage and analysis, and realizes big data processing flow configuration, operation and intelligent monitoring in a simple way of WYSIWYG and drag-and-drop configuration. Provides 100+ data processing components, including Hadoop, Spark, MLlib, Hive, Solr, Redis, MemCache, ElasticSearch, JDBC, MongoDB, HTTP, FTP, XML, CSV, JSON, etc. It also supports the development of domain-oriented secondary components. The data is traceable and the performance is superior.


Mentor: Jin Yaohui, Wang Qing

Submitted by: Niu Yipei (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

PostMan is a network function middleware. Through efficient on-demand package and batch processing, it can quickly alleviate the problem of sudden drop in back-end service performance caused by burst traffic.


Mentor: Chen Xu, Zhou Minghui, Shan Zhihao

Submitted by: SRS founder Yang Chengli (individual)

SRS is a simple and efficient real-time video server that supports RTMP/WebRTC/HLS/HTTP-FLV/SRT/GB28181, and is used in Internet video scenarios such as live broadcast and WebRTC.


Mentor: Jin Yaohui, Wang Qing

Submitted by: Skyline core developer Gao Fei (Inspur Information)

Skyline is a benchmarking OpenStack community Horizon project. It is deeply optimized in terms of ease of use and page performance, and provides a simple, easy-to-use, and efficient OpenStack console.

Original link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/S7DeWEgziswD6PoSr2WQgg

The “Mulan Open Source Community” was established in August 2019 and is the core achievement of the “Cloud Computing and Big Data Open Source Community Ecosystem” of the National Key R&D Program. It aims to promote the exchange of open source fields between industry, university, research and use, promote the open source of national scientific and technological innovation achievements, strengthen the communication between enterprises, scientific, educational and research units and industry users, promote the transformation of open source achievements, and provide neutral hosting for various open source projects. Ensure that the continuous development of open source projects is not affected by third parties, and build and improve the open source community ecology through a more open approach.

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