Active interaction between iframe and parent page

The parent page interacts with the iframe

 * 父页面获取 iframe window 对象
const iframeWin = document.getElementById("iframe").contentWindow;
const iframeWin = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow;
 * 父页面获取 iframe document 对象
const iframeDoc = iframeWin.document;
 * 父页面获取 iframe body 对象
const iframeBody = iframeDoc.body;
 * 父页面调用 iframe 方法
iframeWin.method(); // method 是 iframe 的一个方法名

iframe interacts with parent page

 * iframe 获取父页面 window 对象
const parentWin = window.parent;
 * iframe 获取父页面 document 对象
const parentDoc = window.parent.document;
 * iframe 获取父页面 window 对象
const parentBody = window.parent.body;
 * iframe 调用父页面的方法
window.parent.method(); // method 是父页面的方法

iframe and parent page pass data

window.postMessage allows two (cross-domain) windows or iframes to send data information. It's like cross-domain AJAX, but it's not the interaction between the browser and the server, but the communication between two clients. For more information, see window.postMessage .

Send message:

 * iframe 页面发送消息
const message = 'Hello!'; // 发送到其他 window的数据
const domain = '*'; // 指定哪些窗口能接收到消息事件,‘*’表示无限制
window.postMessage(message, domain); 

receive message:

 * data: 发送方窗口发送的数据
 * origin: 发送方窗口的 origin 
 * source: 发送消息的窗口对象的引用
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
  const { data, origin, source } = event
}, false);

Nested ifream jump

A, B, C, D are four pages, B is the iframe of A, C is the iframe of B, and D is the iframe of C.

Jump page in D

Using window.open() is similar.

 * 在本页面跳转(D 页面跳转)
window.location.href = '';
 * 在上一层页面跳转(C 页面跳转)
window.parent.location.href = '';
 * 在上上一层页面跳转(B 页面跳转)
window.parent.parent.location.href = '';
 * 在最外层页面跳转(A 页面跳转)
window.top.location.href = '';

link or form
There is a form in the D page

 * form 提交后,在 D 页面跳转
 * form 提交后,弹出新页面
<form target="_blank"></form>
 * form提交后,在 C 页面跳转
<form target="_parent"></form>
 * form提交后,在 A 页面跳转
<form target="_top"></form>


 * C 页面刷新
 * A 页面刷新

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