The customer has a requirement to sort in the table according to the naming and sorting rules of windows. For example, the file names are as follows: 3.1, 3.2, 3.10, 3.11 should be sorted in this order. It seems that there is no way to sort in the database. Now the front-end implementation:

sortLikeWin(fieldName = 'resName', v1, v2) {
    let a = v1[fieldName];
    let b = v2[fieldName];
    let reg = /[0-9]+/g;
    let lista = a.match(reg);
    let listb = b.match(reg);
    if (!lista || !listb) {
      return a.localeCompare(b);
    for (let i = 0, minLen = Math.min(lista.length, listb.length); i < minLen; i++) {
      let indexa = a.indexOf(lista[i]);
      let indexb = b.indexOf(listb[i]);
      let prefixa = a.substring(0, indexa);
      let prefixb = b.substring(0, indexb);
      let stra = lista[i];
      let strb = listb[i];
      let numa = parseInt(stra);
      let numb = parseInt(strb);
      if (indexa != indexb || prefixa != prefixb) {
        return a.localeCompare(b);
      } else {
        if (stra === strb) {
          if (i == minLen - 1) {
            return a.substring(indexa).localeCompare(b.substring(indexb));
          else {
            a = a.substring(indexa + stra.length);
            b = b.substring(indexa + stra.length);
        else if (numa == numb) {
          return strb.lastIndexOf(numb + '') - stra.lastIndexOf(numa + '');
        } else {
          return numa - numb;

Call method

this.sortLikeWin.bind(null, 'resName')

Before sorting:
After sorting:

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