At 9:22 on June 17th, Beijing time, the Long March 2 F Yao 12 carrier rocket carrying the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft was ignited and launched on time at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. About 573 seconds later, the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft The spacecraft and the rocket successfully separated and entered the predetermined orbit. The three astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, and Tang Hongbo were successfully sent into space. The flight crew was in good condition and the launch was a complete success.

Long March 2F YOT12 rocket ignited and launched

According to the plan, Shenzhou XII will conduct an autonomous rapid rendezvous and docking with the Tianhe Core Module of the Chinese Space Station about 6 hours after it enters orbit. The three astronauts will also be the first "residents" of the Chinese space station, and the "check-in" time will be up to 3 months.

Shenzhou 12 mission logo|China Manned Space Office

On the 15th of last month, my country’s first Mars rover "Tianwen 1" successfully landed in the pre-selected landing area in the southern Utopia Plain of Mars in the northern hemisphere. The lander carried my country’s first Mars rover, the "Zhu Rong". This is the first time that Mars has stayed. China's footprint underneath.

This time, it performed the first manned space mission in the third step of the "three-step" strategic plan of my country's manned space project (Project 921). This is also the 19th flight mission since the establishment and implementation of my country's manned space project. .

The constant attempts behind the success

In fact, the leap-forward development of the Shenzhou manned spacecraft was not achieved in one step. Since the establishment of the "three-step" development strategy for China's manned space project on September 21, 1992, the Shenzhou manned spacecraft has passed verifications time after time. Yifa's success continues to accumulate experience and technology.

Shenzhou 1 to Shenzhou 4 achieved unmanned verification of the space-to-earth round trip, Shenzhou 5 carried astronaut Yang Liwei to achieve manned round-trips, Shenzhou 6 achieved multi-person and multi-day round-trip activities, and Shenzhou 7 achieved astronaut out-of-cabin activities , Shenzhou 8 to Shenzhou 10 broke through unmanned rendezvous and docking and manned rendezvous and docking, and Shenzhou 11 realized the mid-term residency of astronauts.

Today, the successful launch of the Shenzhou XII spacecraft has laid a good start for the space station construction mission for manned spacecraft to and from the world. At this point, Shenzhou 12 has gathered all the "skill points" needed for all missions and all modes to go back and forth between heaven and earth.

Completed five "China First"

In this world-renowned mission, the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft refreshed the new height of China's manned space technology, completing five "firsts in China", that is, for the first time to realize the manned autonomous and rapid docking with the core module of Tianhe. It is the first time to implement a radial rendezvous with the space station. It is the first to have the ability to return to the Dongfeng landing site from different altitude orbits. It is the first time that a manned spacecraft has been docked in orbit for a long time. It is the first time that it has the emergency rescue capability of combining heaven and earth with multiple guarantees.

"Manned spaceflight, life is critical to the sky" has always been the creed in the hearts of the Shenzhou team. In order to ensure that both the sky and the ground have the ability to protect the lives of astronauts and retrieve them under emergency conditions, the Shenzhou team created an emergency rescue mission mode that combines heaven and earth, that is, carrying two spacecraft into the field, and one spacecraft is used as a launching spacecraft. As a backup for astronauts in emergencies, they serve as a rescue boat for the lives of astronauts. The Shenzhou team adopts a "rolling standby" strategy. When the first manned spacecraft is launched, the next manned spacecraft is on standby at the launch site, and has an emergency launch capability of 8.5 days to achieve space rescue capabilities and fully protect the lives of astronauts. Safety.

After the spacecraft enters orbit, it will carry out autonomous and rapid rendezvous and docking with the core cabin of Tianhe in accordance with the predetermined procedure. During the flight of the composite body, the astronauts will be stationed in the space and core module, complete a three-month in-orbit residency, carry out activities such as manipulator operation, space out of the cabin, and verify the astronauts' long-term residency in orbit, regeneration life insurance, etc. Key technology.

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