Since the establishment of the open source community, it has attracted many technology enthusiasts who love to share and communicate.

Everyone developed various practical application components, continuously optimized projects around FISCO BCOS, and spontaneously output rich content such as technical analysis, use cases, and operation practices. Bit by bit sharing makes the development experience of FISCO BCOS more and more silky and friendly, and also allows us to see the infinite possibilities of the blockchain.

In order to thank everyone for their support and contribution to FISCO BCOS all the way, in March this year, the community opened the FISCO BCOS MVP identification to encourage the contribution of high-quality technical content to the open source community FISCO BCOS opinion pioneers and opinion leaders.

Since the open certification, the community has received active self-recommended registration from users. After verification and certification, the first batch of FISCO BCOS MVP list for 2021 was officially released. The next batch of MVP certification will be launched in August, welcome to continue to pay attention.

Now, let us get to know the practitioners of these technologies and the evangelists of the community.

The follow-up official account will launch a column to share the growth path of MVP and the story before FISCO BCOS, so stay tuned.

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FISCO BCOS是开源联盟区块链底层技术平台,由金融区块链合作联盟(简称金链盟)成立开源工作组通力打造。成员包括博彦科技、华为、深证通、神州数码、四方精创、腾讯、微众银行、亦笔科技和越秀金科等金链盟成员机构。