Introduction to Cloud will provide Guangdong enterprises with 10 million shadowless cloud computer resources for free, and support 1,000 enterprises to work at home. Enterprises can quickly establish a secure, high-performance, and low-cost corporate desktop office system through Wuying Cloud Computer to ensure the normal conduct of corporate business. Enterprises can apply for up to 10 Shadowless Cloud computers and use them for free for 2 months.
Recently, the epidemic broke out in Guangdong. In order to control the epidemic situation and maintain a safe social distance, many companies choose to work from home, which is a big challenge to the business promotion of enterprises.
Some companies need to rely on employees' personal computers for home office work, and companies have high requirements for business data security. At the same time, in the face of such changes, IT assets cannot be managed flexibly, which will cause current operating pressure and future resource idleness.
Therefore, Alibaba Cloud will provide free 10 million shadowless cloud computer resources to enterprises in Guangdong Province, and support 1,000 enterprises to work at home. Enterprises can quickly establish a secure, high-performance, and low-cost corporate desktop office system through Wuying Cloud Computer to ensure the normal conduct of corporate business. Enterprises can apply for up to 10 Shadowless Cloud computers and use them for free for 2 months.
Shadowless Cloud Computer
Wuying is the first cloud computer released by Alibaba, based on the integrated cloud architecture of Alibaba Cloud 2.0. One-stop cloud console can provide minute-level configuration to realize cloud office anytime, anywhere. It has advantages over traditional PCs in terms of computing power, security, cost, agility, and openness.
160e2adf886c5a Alibaba Cloud President Zhang Jianfeng announced at the 2021
Details of "Wuying Cloud Computer Epidemic Subsidy" Campaign
Activity address:
Open the link above, Guangdong enterprises need to complete the real-name certification to fill in the epidemic subsidy application form, and the review results will be fed back within 5 working days. After that, they can receive 10 cloud computers online for free and use them for free for 2 months.
Currently supporting the epidemic subsidy is the universal office 4 core 8G of Wuying Cloud Desktop, which is suitable for a variety of office scenarios, such as remote office, multiple branches, secure OA, short-term use, and professional drawing.
can solve
- Flexible creation of leases on demand, which can effectively respond to short-term and temporary desktop demand;
- Replacing traditional PCs with virtual desktops can easily handle IT asset management issues everywhere;
- The desktop content display is only transmitted at the pixel level through the protocol, and is encrypted;
- Ensure the security of data that does not land, and effectively prevent the design results from being maliciously copied.
more details, as shown in the figure below
Go Guangdong! work hard together!
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