
Qiankun microservices aggregate multiple systems with different technology stacks (React, Vue, Angular, jQuery) into one system, and each system can be deployed and run independently, which is suitable for large teams and large front-end projects.

Realize function:

  • Introduce a multi-technology stack (React + Vue)
  • Practice of Cache of Multi-tab Page of Backstage Management System (Ant Design Pro) in Qiankun Environment
  • Dependency sharing --- sharing of packages react, react-dom, moment, antd, etc. common to the main and sub-applications
  • Common resources --- common tools util, components, configuration in multiple projects synchronization

Online preview based on qiankun microservice:

Click to preview the effect

Get the project source code

Project structure

projectTechnology stackportaddress
Main project (main-react)Ant Design Pro5000http://qiankun.fancystore.cn
Subproject 1 (app1-react)Ant Design Pro5001http://app1.fancystore.cn
Subproject 2 (app2-react)Ant Design Pro5002http://app2.fancystore.cn
Subproject 3 (app3-vue)Vue Element Template5003http://app3.fancystore.cn
Public Resource Library (qiankun-common)TypeScript https://github.com/czero1995/qiankun-common

Project transformation

1. Main application (base)

1.1 Install qiankun

   npm install @umi/qiankun --save   
   yarn add @umi/qiankun --save    

1.2 Registering sub-applications

  // 在config/config.ts加入
    qiankun: {
      master: {
        apps: [
              entry: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '//app1.fancystore.cn' : '//localhost:5001',
              entry: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '//app2.fancystore.cn:' : '//localhost:5002',
              entry: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '//app3.fancystore.cn:' : '//localhost:5003',
        sandbox: true,  //是否启用沙箱
        prefetch: true, //是否启用prefetch特性

1.3 Modify the root node

    // src/pages/document.ejs

1.4 New sub-application loading layout MicroAppLayout

    // src/layouts/MicroAppLayout
    import BasicLayout from '@ant-design/pro-layout';
    import { KeepAlive, Provider } from 'react-keep-alive';
    import { MicroAppWithMemoHistory } from 'umi';
    import allRoutes from '../../config/routes';

    function MicroAppLayout(props) {
      let targetMicro = ''
      const transRoutes = (routes, pathname) => {
        routes.map(item => {
          if (item.routes) {
            return transRoutes(item.routes, pathname)
          if (item.path === pathname) {
            targetMicro = item.microName
        return targetMicro
      return <Provider>
        <KeepAlive name={props.location.pathname}>
            targetMicro ? <MicroAppWithMemoHistory name={transRoutes(allRoutes[0].routes, props.location.pathname)} url={props.location.pathname} /> :

    export default MicroAppLayout;

1.5 Create a new app.ts in the src directory, and determine if it is a sub-application, it needs to be loaded with MicroAppLayout

    // src/app.ts
    import LoadingComponent from '@/components/PageLoading';
    import { dynamic } from 'umi';
    const transRoutes = (routes) => {
      routes.forEach(item => {
          return transRoutes(item.routes)
          item.component = dynamic({
            loader: (a) => import(/* webpackChunkName: 'layouts__MicroAppLayout' */ '@/layouts/MicroAppLayout'),
            loading: LoadingComponent,

    export function patchRoutes({ routes }) {

### 2. Sub-application React (Ant Desin Pro)

#### 2.1 Install qiankun

    npm install @umi/qiankun --save   
    yarn add @umi/qiankun --save

#### 2.2 Sub-project registration qiankun, add in config/config.ts

    qiankun: {
        slave: {}

#### 2.3 Modify the root node src/pages/document.ejs


#### 2.4 Create a new app.ts in the src directory and export the corresponding lifecycle hooks. The subproject needs to distinguish between the qiankun environment and the current environment. If it is the qiankun environment, use a blank template (src/layouts/BlankLayout) , If it is the current environment, use the default template (src/layouts/BasicLayout), so that it can be embedded in the qiankun environment to run and can be independently developed and deployed

    const isQiankun = window.__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__

    export const qiankun = {
        // 应用加载之前
        async bootstrap(props) {
          console.log('app1 bootstrap', props);
        // 应用 render 之前触发
        async mount(props) {
          console.log('app1 mount', props);
        // 应用卸载之后触发
        async unmount(props) {
          console.log('app1 unmount', props);

      export async function patchRoutes({routes}) {
          routes[0]['component'] = require('@/layouts/BlankLayout').default

3. Sub-application Vue (Vue-Element-Template)

3.1 Add in configureWebpack under vue.config.js

     output: {
      // 把子应用打包成 umd 库格式(必须)
      library: `${name}-[name]`,
      libraryTarget: 'umd',
      jsonpFunction: `webpackJsonp_${name}`,

3.2 Add in devServer under vue.config.js:

     headers: {
          "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
          "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "*",
          "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "*"

3.3 Expose the life cycle of qiankun in main.js:

    let install = null;
    function render(props) {
      install = new Vue({
        render: h => h(App)
    if (window.__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__) {
      __webpack_public_path__ = window.__INJECTED_PUBLIC_PATH_BY_QIANKUN__;
    } else {
    export async function bootstrap(props) {
    export async function mount(props) {
    export async function unmount(props) {
      install = null

Project summary

  1. There are two ways to load sub-applications in the main application using routing binding and <MicroApp'/> component. If you want to support Ant Design Pro multi-tab page , you need to use <MicroApp'/> This kind of form, because of the dynamic display and insertion of the Tab, binding a dead route will cause qiankun to fail to load the corresponding page.
  2. Ant Design Pro multi-tab page , clicking on the tabs to display different application pages will cause them to be destroyed, and the content data will be initialized and lost. Under src/layouts/MicroAppLayout:

    引入 react-keep-alive 包
    主应用须使用  MicroAppWithMemoHistory,  若使用 MicroApp 无效果。
  3. Page jump 404 in qiankun environment

    export const qiankunJump = (url:string,name='页面名称',params = null) =>{
          window.__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__ ? history.pushState(params,name,url): umiHistory.push(url)
  4. qiankun external will report Cannot read property'createContext' of undefind

     externals: {
          'react': 'window.React',
          'react-dom': 'window.ReactDOM',
      } => 
      externals: {
              react: 'React',
              'react-dom': 'ReactDOM',

Project optimization

1. Rely on sharing

const fetchScript = scriptUrl => scriptCache[scriptUrl] || (scriptCache[scriptUrl] = fetch(scriptUrl).then(response => response.text()));


2. Resource sharing


1. 常用的就是发布成npm包,各个项目去安装更新包。本地调试可以用npm link。但反复的更新包也是比较繁琐。

2. 还有一种方式是用git库引入, 在package.json的依赖中加入 
"qiankun-common": "git+https://git@github.com:czero1995/qiankun-common.git"
import { commonUtil } from 'qiankun-common';

### Project begining

1. 进入main-react
    npm install
    npm run start
2. 进入app1-react
    npm install
    npm run start
3. 进入app2-react
    npm install
    npm run start
4. 进入app3-react
    npm install
    npm run dev

### Project deployment

  1. The sub-application Nginx needs to be equipped with a cross-domain request header:

      add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
      add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true;
      add_header Cache-Control no-cache;
  2. Nginx turns on gzip compression:

      gzip  on;
      gzip_min_length 200;
      gzip_buffers 4 16k;
      gzip_comp_level 9;
      gzip_vary on;
      gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.";
      gzip_types text/plain application/x-javascript text/css application/xml text/javascript application/x-httpd-php application/javascript application/json;

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