Introduction to 160e3ea5f46397: 160e3ea5f4639b Recently, Alibaba Cloud PolarDB-X cloud native distributed database completed the "Special Evaluation of Distributed Transaction Database Stability" of China

image.png With the rapid popularization of agile development and DevOps models in the IT field, the iterative cycle of data products has been significantly shortened, and the risk of hidden defects in the system has increased. The stability test verifies the ability of the tested product to continue to provide stable services under extreme abnormal scenarios.

The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology began its independent research and development of a stability test platform based on chaos engineering in 2020, and it will be officially completed and put into use in 2021. The platform supports randomly injecting different types of disturbances into the distributed system according to the configured mode. The types of injected disturbances are common fault types in the production environment, covering multiple aspects such as computing, storage, and networking.

After China Institute of Communications professional evaluation of information, Ali cloud cloud PolarDB-X native distributed database distributed transaction performance of the core business in the production environment common failure scenarios, the data is consistent and so strong , all meet Distributed transactional database stability test requirements, took the lead in passing all test items with high scores.

PolarDB-X is a cloud-native distributed database Alibaba. It is a converged distributed database based on the concept of cloud architecture and supporting online transactional and online analytical processing (Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing, HTAP). Database products have the capabilities of high availability of financial-grade data, distributed horizontal expansion, mixed load, low-cost storage and extreme flexibility, and insist on building distributed capabilities with compatibility with the MySQL open source ecosystem. Focus on solving database bottlenecks such as massive data storage, ultra-high concurrency throughput, large table bottlenecks, and complex computing efficiency. PolarDB-X attaches great importance to a simple and easy-to-use customer experience. The transparent and distributed capabilities released a few days ago can enable customers to use traditional centralized databases and use cloud-native distributed databases at low cost. In addition, PolarDB-X has undergone 12-year double eleven extreme load scenarios with its technical characteristics of ultra-high concurrent access, massive data storage, and flexible elastic scalability, and is widely used in many large-scale government affairs and people's livelihood businesses.

Alibaba Cloud independently developed PolarDB-X cloud-native distributed database, and entered the 2020 Gartner Global Database Leaders Quadrant as the only technology vendor in China. Over the past ten years, Alibaba Cloud has made rapid progress in the field of product technology and has been widely recognized by the market. At present, more than 700,000 database instances have been migrated to Alibaba Cloud, including government affairs, retail, finance, telecommunications, manufacturing, logistics and other fields. Leading enterprises.

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