
Developers can deploy, manage and run lightweight WebAssembly applications in WasmEdge through Docker tools such as DockerHub and CRI-O.

WasmEdge is CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation), which is an execution sandbox for edge computing applications.

Although WebAssembly was originally invented as a runtime for browser applications, its lightweight and high-performance sandbox design makes it an attractive choice for general-purpose application containers.

If we already had WASM + WASI in 2008, then we don't need to start the Docker project at all. — Docker co-founder Solomon Hykes

Compared with Docker, WebAssembly is a hundred times faster at startup , occupies smaller memory and disk space, and has a better-defined security sandbox. However, the disadvantage is that WebAssembly requires its own language SDK and compiler toolchain, making it more restricted as a developer environment than Docker. WebAssembly is increasingly used in edge computing scenarios. Usually, in these scenarios, it is difficult to deploy Docker or the performance of the application is critical.

A big advantage of Docker is its rich tool ecosystem. We hope to bring Docker-like tools to WasmEdge developers. To achieve this, we created an runw for CRI-O to load and run WebAssembly bytecode programs as if they were Docker image files.

Install WebAssembly runner in CRI-O

In order to support WebAssembly in CRI-O, you only need to download the runw binary code distribution and install it into your CRI-O.

Because the runw binary code already includes WasmEdge, there is no need to install WasmEdge or any other WebAssembly VM separately.

First, make sure you are using Ubuntu 20.04 with LLVM-10 installed. If you are using a different platform, please refer to how to create a runw project document for your operating system.

sudo apt install -y llvm-10-dev liblld-10-dev

Make sure you have installed cri-o , crictl , containernetworking-plugins and buildah or docker

Next, download runw binary build

wget https://github.com/second-state/runw/releases/download/0.1.0/runw

Now, you can install runw into CRI-O as an alternative to WebAssembly.

# Get the wasm-pause utility
sudo crictl pull docker.io/beststeve/wasm-pause

# Install runw into cri-o
sudo cp -v runw /usr/lib/cri-o-runc/sbin/runw
sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/cri-o-runc/sbin/runw
sudo sed -i -e 's@default_runtime = "runc"@default_runtime = "runw"@' /etc/crio/crio.conf
sudo sed -i -e 's@pause_image = "k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.2"@pause_image = "docker.io/beststeve/wasm-pause"@' /etc/crio/crio.conf
sudo sed -i -e 's@pause_command = "/pause"@pause_command = "pause.wasm"@' /etc/crio/crio.conf
sudo tee -a /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/01-crio-runc.conf <<EOF
runtime_path = "/usr/lib/cri-o-runc/sbin/runw"
runtime_type = "oci"
runtime_root = "/run/runw"

Finally, restart cri-o to make the new WebAssembly runner take effect.

sudo systemctl restart crio

Build Wasm applications with Rust

The Wasm application in the following example was written by Rust. To make these programs work, make sure you install the Rust and rustwasmc toolchains.

You need the Rust compiler and rustwasmc to build the Rust source into a wasm bytecode file. If you already have a wasm bytecode program and just want to run it again with cri-o, you can skip this part.

The application source code is only a main.rs function. is here. This application demonstrates how to access the file system and other operating system resources from WasmEdge using the standard Rust API.

fn main() {
  println!("Random number: {}", get_random_i32());
  println!("Random bytes: {:?}", get_random_bytes());
  println!("{}", echo("This is from a main function"));
  create_file("/tmp.txt", "This is in a file");
  println!("File content is {}", read_file("/tmp.txt"));

pub fn get_random_i32() -> i32 {
  let x: i32 = random();
  return x;

pub fn get_random_bytes() -> Vec<u8> {
  let mut rng = thread_rng();
  let mut arr = [0u8; 128];
  rng.fill(&mut arr[..]);
  return arr.to_vec();

pub fn echo(content: &str) -> String {
  println!("Printed from wasi: {}", content);
  return content.to_string();

pub fn print_env() {
  println!("The env vars are as follows.");
  for (key, value) in env::vars() {
    println!("{}: {}", key, value);

  println!("The args are as follows.");
  for argument in env::args() {
    println!("{}", argument);

pub fn create_file(path: &str, content: &str) {
  let mut output = File::create(path).unwrap();

pub fn read_file(path: &str) -> String {
  let mut f = File::open(path).unwrap();
  let mut s = String::new();
  match f.read_to_string(&mut s) {
    Ok(_) => s,
    Err(e) => e.to_string(),

pub fn del_file(path: &str) {
  fs::remove_file(path).expect("Unable to delete");

You can build the application into a wasm bytecode file through the following command line.

rustwasmc build

The wasm bytecode file is here.

Build and publish a Docker Hub image for Wasm app

You can now publish the entire wasm bytecode file to the Docker hub as if it were a Docker image.

First, pkg/ directory, as shown below.

FROM scratch
ADD wasi_example_main.wasm .
CMD ["wasi_example_main.wasm"]

Create an image and publish it to the Docker hub.

sudo buildah bud -f Dockerfile -t wasm-wasi-example
sudo buildah push wasm-wasi-example docker://registry.example.com/repository:tag

# Example: the following command publishes the wasm image to the public Docker hub under user account "hydai"
sudo buildah push wasm-wasi-example docker://docker.io/hydai/wasm-wasi-example:latest

Now, you can use Docker tools (such as crictl ) to pull the published wasm file as a mirror. The following is an example of the wasm file mirror we released.

sudo crictl pull docker.io/hydai/wasm-wasi-example

Use CRI-O to start Wasm app

To get the wasm file up and running, you need to create two configuration files for CRI-O. Create a container_wasi.json file as shown below. It tells the CRI-O runtime where the wasm file image should be extracted from the Docker repository.

  "metadata": {
    "name": "podsandbox1-wasm-wasi"
  "image": {
    "image": "hydai/wasm-wasi-example:latest"
  "args": [
    "wasi_example_main.wasm", "50000000"
  "working_dir": "/",
  "envs": [],
  "labels": {
    "tier": "backend"
  "annotations": {
    "pod": "podsandbox1"
  "log_path": "",
  "stdin": false,
  "stdin_once": false,
  "tty": false,
  "linux": {
    "resources": {
      "memory_limit_in_bytes": 209715200,
      "cpu_period": 10000,
      "cpu_quota": 20000,
      "cpu_shares": 512,
      "oom_score_adj": 30,
      "cpuset_cpus": "0",
      "cpuset_mems": "0"
    "security_context": {
      "namespace_options": {
        "pid": 1
      "readonly_rootfs": false,
      "capabilities": {
        "add_capabilities": [

Next, create a sandbox_config.json file as shown below. It defines the sandbox environment for running wasm applications.

  "metadata": {
    "name": "podsandbox12",
    "uid": "redhat-test-crio",
    "namespace": "redhat.test.crio",
    "attempt": 1
  "hostname": "crictl_host",
  "log_directory": "",
  "dns_config": {
    "searches": [
  "port_mappings": [],
  "resources": {
    "cpu": {
      "limits": 3,
      "requests": 2
    "memory": {
      "limits": 50000000,
      "requests": 2000000
  "labels": {
    "group": "test"
  "annotations": {
    "owner": "hmeng",
    "security.alpha.kubernetes.io/seccomp/pod": "unconfined"
  "linux": {
    "cgroup_parent": "pod_123-456.slice",
    "security_context": {
      "namespace_options": {
        "network": 0,
        "pid": 1,
        "ipc": 0
      "selinux_options": {
        "user": "system_u",
        "role": "system_r",
        "type": "svirt_lxc_net_t",
        "level": "s0:c4,c5"

Now you can create a CRI-O pod as follows:

# 创建 POD,输出将会和示例不同。
sudo crictl runp sandbox_config.json

# 设置一个辅助变量供以后使用。

From the pod, you can create a container to run the wasm bytecode program in isolation.

# 创建容器实例,输出将会和示例不同。
sudo crictl create $POD_ID container_wasi.json sandbox_config.json

Finally, start the container and view the output of the wasm application.

# 列出容器,状态应该是 `Created`
sudo crictl ps -a

CONTAINER           IMAGE                           CREATED              STATE               NAME                     ATTEMPT             POD ID
1d056e4a8a168       hydai/wasm-wasi-example:latest   About a minute ago   Created             podsandbox1-wasm-wasi   0                   7992e75df00cc

# 启动容器
sudo crictl start 1d056e4a8a168f0c76af122d42c98510670255b16242e81f8e8bce8bd3a4476f

# 再次检查容器状态。#如果容器没有完成工作,你会看到运行状态。 #因为这个例子很小。此时您可能会看到 Exited。
sudo crictl ps -a
CONTAINER           IMAGE                           CREATED              STATE               NAME                     ATTEMPT             POD ID
1d056e4a8a168       hydai/wasm-wasi-example:latest   About a minute ago   Running             podsandbox1-wasm-wasi   0                   7992e75df00cc

# 当容器完成。你能看到状态变为 Exited。
sudo crictl ps -a
CONTAINER           IMAGE                           CREATED              STATE               NAME                     ATTEMPT             POD ID
1d056e4a8a168       hydai/wasm-wasi-example:latest   About a minute ago   Exited              podsandbox1-wasm-wasi   0                   7992e75df00cc

# 查看容器记录 
sudo crictl logs 1d056e4a8a168f0c76af122d42c98510670255b16242e81f8e8bce8bd3a4476f

Test 1: 打印随机数
Random number: 960251471

Test 2: 打印随机字节
Random bytes: [50, 222, 62, 128, 120, 26, 64, 42, 210, 137, 176, 90, 60, 24, 183, 56, 150, 35, 209, 211, 141, 146, 2, 61, 215, 167, 194, 1, 15, 44, 156, 27, 179, 23, 241, 138, 71, 32, 173, 159, 180, 21, 198, 197, 247, 80, 35, 75, 245, 31, 6, 246, 23, 54, 9, 192, 3, 103, 72, 186, 39, 182, 248, 80, 146, 70, 244, 28, 166, 197, 17, 42, 109, 245, 83, 35, 106, 130, 233, 143, 90, 78, 155, 29, 230, 34, 58, 49, 234, 230, 145, 119, 83, 44, 111, 57, 164, 82, 120, 183, 194, 201, 133, 106, 3, 73, 164, 155, 224, 218, 73, 31, 54, 28, 124, 2, 38, 253, 114, 222, 217, 202, 59, 138, 155, 71, 178, 113]

Test 3: 调用 echo 函数
Printed from wasi: This is from a main function
This is from a main function

Test 4: 打印环境变量
The env vars are as follows.
PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
TERM: xterm
HOSTNAME: crictl_host
PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
The args are as follows.

Test 5: 创建文件 `/tmp.txt` 包含内容 `This is in a file`

Test 6: 从之前文件读取内容
File content is This is in a file

Test 7: 删除之前文件

Next step

In this article, we saw how to use Docker-like CRI-O tools to start, run, and manage WasmEdge applications.

The next step is to use Kubernetes to manage WasmEdge containers. For this, a runner binary file needs to be installed in Kubernetes so that it can support both regular Docker images and wasm bytecode images.

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