
When the function of request parameter encryption is to be realized, the national secret SM2 algorithm is used, the front end sends a request to the background to obtain the public key, the request is encrypted and sent to the background, and the background uses the corresponding private key to decrypt


Front end adopts: SM2 encryption js library (sm-crypto)
Back-end use: Hutool tool

Since the current front-end SM2 encryption js library (sm-crypto) uses the Q value of the SM2 public key to be converted into hexadecimal for encryption, when sending the public key to the front end in the background, the Q value of the public key needs to be extracted and converted into Hexadecimal.

The back-end generates a secret key pair and the front-end public key public key Q

     * 生成SM2公钥,私钥,公钥Q,私钥D <br/>
     * 通常由于js端提供的 SM2代码实现的方案,都是直接使用的私钥的d值和公钥的q值直接进行的加解密,
     * 所以后端返回的是从公钥里面提取的q值,以q值做为js端的加密公钥,从私钥提取d值,作为js端的解密私钥
     * @author 杨攀
     * @date 2021/5/13 16:29
     * @param
     * @return void
    public static void createSm2Key() {

        SM2 sm = SmUtil.sm2();

        // sm2的加解密时有两种方式即 C1C2C3、 C1C3C2,

        // 生成私钥
        String privateKey = HexUtil.encodeHexStr(sm.getPrivateKey().getEncoded());"私钥: {}", privateKey);
        // 生成公钥
        String publicKey = HexUtil.encodeHexStr(sm.getPublicKey().getEncoded());"公钥: {}", publicKey);

        // 生成私钥D
        String privateKeyD = HexUtil.encodeHexStr(BCUtil.encodeECPrivateKey(sm.getPrivateKey())); // ((BCECPrivateKey) privateKey).getD().toByteArray();"私钥D: {}", privateKeyD);

        // 生成公钥Q,以q值做为js端的加密公钥
        String publicKeyQ = HexUtil.encodeHexStr(((BCECPublicKey) sm.getPublicKey()).getQ().getEncoded(false));"公钥Q: {}", publicKeyQ);

The previous paragraph is encrypted according to the public key Q

Front-end test code:

data() {
            return {
                // 请求的 service
                service: this.$svc.sys.demo,
                // 表单数据
                formData: {
                    content: '',
                    encContent: '',
                    decContent: '',
                // 公钥Q
                // 私钥D (测试才放前端)
                privateKey: '74b24bfa8a55127c0fcbe87d7a112e398fd291fd72314e1c56e8d575664a1148',


// 加密
            sm2Encrypt() {

                const sm2 = require('sm-crypto').sm2

                //let keypair = sm2.generateKeyPairHex()

                //this.publicKey = keypair.publicKey // 公钥
                //this.privateKey = keypair.privateKey // 私钥

                const cipherMode = 1  // 1 - C1C3C2,0 - C1C2C3,默认为 1

                //let publicKey = "3059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a811ccf5501822d03420004efddac6873492c460eac87b0b12bec1258f181a5093d62bbb622a7192d58c6c7278f45880dfc226bb0b645268e33a3a8de9d12b7397e05ab729fb35ead70dded";

                let encContent = sm2.doEncrypt(this.formData.content, this.publicKey, cipherMode) // sm2加密
                this.formData.encContent = encContent;
            // 解密
            sm2Decrypt() {
                const sm2 = require('sm-crypto').sm2
                let encryptData = this.formData.encContent;
                const cipherMode = 1  // 1 - C1C3C2,0 - C1C2C3,默认为 1

                let decryptData = sm2.doDecrypt(encryptData, this.privateKey, cipherMode) // 解密结果sm2

                this.formData.decContent = decryptData;

44 声望15 粉丝
