A month ago, Microsoft released Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1, which is also the first 64-bit version of Visual Studio. Microsoft said in a related blog that more new features and performance improvements will be released starting from the Preview 2 version.

No, Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2 is here! This version focuses on providing new features in personal and team productivity, modern development and continuous innovation.

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Next, let's take a look at the new features of Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2.

Icon update, fully localized, support more than ten languages

Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1 version introduces a new font, Cascadia Code, which is easier to read. In the Preview 2 version, the Visual Studio team updated the icon to make it clearer and easier to distinguish to improve the usability of Visual Studio for everyone.

Preview 1 was only available in English when it was released, while Preview 2 was fully localized. Users can choose from the following dozens of language packs: English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

Develop modern applications

Preview 2 comes with the latest version (v143) of C++ build tools. These tools are binary compatible with other 14x tools and can be used in Visual Studio and the independent Build Tools installer. In addition, you can smoothly update C++ applications to use the latest C++ 20 features.

In addition to making it easier to use C++ to develop modern Windows applications, Preview 2 also adds some features to better build cross-platform applications. With Preview 2, Visual Studio has expanded cross-platform functions, adding new CMake integration and seamless positioning of WSL2, that is, no manual configuration is required.

For .NET developers, Visual Studio 2022 will be their place to build the next batch of cross-platform applications using .NET MAUI and Blazor.

Improve personal and team productivity: support real-time preview, debug code more efficiently

Preview 2 provides a new real-time preview experience for XAML and web applications. Users can make iterative changes to the application in the editor and view them in real time. If the user only wants to move a pixel or two slightly, he does not need to recompile and run it.

The new Web Live Preview adds some new tools to make web design easier. Users can view the changes made in real time in the IDE, even when using data-bound controls.

In addition, Visual Studio also provides new features to help users debug code more efficiently. The new debugging command Force Run allows the application to run to a specific point, ignoring any other breakpoints or exceptions.

Innovation at your fingertips: Update Hot Reload to support C++

Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2 updated Hot Reload to include support for C++ applications. Using Hot Reload, users can edit C++ or .NET projects while the application is running. In many cases, users can apply code changes without pausing the application by simply selecting the "Apply Code Changes" button in the toolbar.

For more details about Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releases/2022/release-notes-preview

Reference link: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/visual-studio-2022-preview-2-is-out/

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