JetBrains released the summary results of the survey of the state of the developer ecosystem in 2021. The survey covers 31,743 developers from 183 countries or regions, and aims to describe the status quo of the developer community and discover the latest trends in the technology industry.
The survey revealed the following important findings:
- JavaScript is the most popular programming language. In the past 12 months, 69% of respondents used JavaScript and 39% designated it as the main programming language.
- terms of overall usage, Python is more popular than Java : 52% of respondents this year use Python, 49% use Java, and last year Java accounted for 55% and Python 54%. as the main language, Java is more popular than Python : 32% of the respondents use Java as the main language, while the proportion of Python is 29%.
- The top-5 programming languages that developers plan to use or migrate to are Go, Kotlin, TypeScript, Python, and Rust.
- The top-5 languages that developers will learn in 2021 are JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, Java, and Go.
- Over the past five years, the popularity of Ruby, Objective-C, and Scala has declined.
2017-2021 programming language popularity
- The fastest growing languages are Python, TypeScript, Kotlin, SQL, and Go.
- The majority of respondents (71%) do back-end development.
- Over the past 5 years, developers’ preferences for operating systems have remained unchanged. Windows is still the main development environment , accounting for 61%. Other commonly used development environments include Linux (47%), macOS (44%), and others (1%).
- The most common type of software developed by developers is the website, and the most commonly used programming languages for building websites are PHP (85%), JavaScript (80%) and Typescript (76%).
- Affected by the epidemic, 80% of the developers surveyed currently work from home, while nearly 70% of the developers worked in the office before the epidemic.
- When developers use the editor/IDE they prefer to use the dark mode (84%).
- For people developing in C language, the most popular IDE is Visual Studio Code (32%), the most commonly used build system is CMake (44%), and the most popular compiler is GCC (82%).
- Most developers do not use a specific big data platform, but one of the prominent platforms is Google Colab, which is used by 19% of respondents.
- Regarding big data hosting, 36% of respondents used internal servers and 26% hosted them locally. AWS dominates with a 21% share of external vendors, followed by Google Cloud (8%) and Azure (5%).
For more details on this report, please refer to
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