
Search engines are commonly used information retrieval systems, and users usually use such tools to search the Internet to obtain the information or answers they want. However, what if the answer given by the search engine is wrong?

Recently, out of curiosity, a developer entered the keyword php mysql email register in Google and searched. Google returned tutorials, operating instructions, code snippets, etc. Everything seems to be normal, but most of these results contain incorrect DB statements, similar to:

// Don't do this! 
mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = '". $_POST["user'] ."'");

The developer analyzed and summarized the search results, and divided the wrong SQL statements into the following four categories:

  1. All parameters in the SQL query are escaped;
  2. Escape input data only when absolutely necessary;
  3. The author tried to partially escape, but there were loopholes;
  4. There is no escaping logic.

The developer said that after finding at least one questionable sentence in a search result, he moved to the next search result, but found more problems in all 30 search results.

developer finishing 30 search results

In this regard, the developer said that most of the Google search results are not of high quality, and even some search results appear at the top of the search result list through SEO optimization.

This article sparked a lot of discussion on reddit and Hack News. Reddit netizen DevilSauron said:

This is indeed the reality in the field of programming or computer science. The Internet is full of terrible or even scary tutorials, blogspam (blog spam), and advertising-oriented UIs. Unfortunately, the first page of search results is often filled with this type of information.

For me, finding high-quality content created by real experts on the Internet has become increasingly difficult, and the safest way to avoid falling into the trap of bad tutorials is to study famous books and university courses.

Poor quality of search results is not a new problem, but programmers should pay extra attention to avoid falling into low-quality tutorials or information. Of course, it would be better if search engines can improve the quality of search results.

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