The Stack Overflow 2021 developer survey report is released. The report shows that JavaScript has been the most commonly used programming language for nine consecutive years; React.js has surpassed jQuery as the most commonly used web framework, Vue.js has been ranked as the most commonly used web framework from seventh last year, and Rust has become the most popular programming language for six consecutive years. Developer's favorite programming language, Python has been the most wanted language for developers for five consecutive years.

The Stack Overflow 2021 developer survey was launched in May this year, and more than 80,000 developers participated in the survey. This is also the 11th annual developer survey conducted by Stack Overflow.

The survey revealed some new changes. For example, the way developers self-educate has changed significantly. For the growing number of programmers under the age of 18, online resources such as videos and blogs are more popular than books and schools. Overall, there are a large number of newcomers joining this industry. More than 50% of the respondents indicated that they had been in the industry for less than ten years, and more than 35% said they had been in the industry for less than five years.

This survey covers many aspects of the developer's basic situation, technology, work and community, and we can get a glimpse of the current status of developers in 2021.

Survey results overview

  • Nearly 60% of respondents learn programming through online resources. Younger respondents are more inclined to learn programming from online resources such as online courses and forums, while relatively older respondents are more likely to learn from traditional media such as schools and books.
  • React.js surpassed jQuery to become the most commonly used web framework.
  • Last year's highest paid language Perl dropped to fifth place in the salary list this year. Clojure developers have the highest median salary, which is $14k higher than the second place F#.
  • AWS is still the most widely used cloud platform, but Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure have made great strides since last year.
  • The emerging framework Svelte has become the most popular framework, and React is the framework developers most want to use. A quarter of the respondents said they want to use the React framework the most.

The most popular technology

Python surpassed SQL to become the third most popular technology, and Node.JS became the sixth most popular technology.

Programming, scripting and markup languages

For most developers, the programming job is web programming.

JavaScript has been the most commonly used programming language for the ninth consecutive year, followed by HTML/CSS, Python, SQL, Java, etc. Compared with last year, Python and SQL have exchanged positions and become the third most popular language.


All interviewees and professional developers have basically the same views on the most commonly used databases. The only difference is that professional developers prefer to use Microsoft SQL Server instead of MongoDB.

For all respondents, the top five most commonly used databases are MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB and Microsoft SQL Server.

cloud platform

AWS is still the most widely used cloud platform, but Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure have made considerable progress compared to last year. It is worth noting that this is the first time that Stack Overflow has split the cloud platform from the general platform problem.

Web framework

Among the most commonly used web frameworks, the top five are React.js, jQuery, Express, Angular, and Vue.js. It is worth noting that React.js has surpassed jQuery as the most commonly used web framework, and Vue.js has entered the top five from seventh place last year.

Other tools

More than 90% of respondents use Git, which shows that it has become a basic tool for developers.

Integrated Development Environment

As the IDE of choice for all developers, Visual Studio Code has a significant lead. Followed by Visual Studio, Notepad++, IntelliJ and Vim.

operating system

Windows is still the most popular operating system, although it is slightly inferior among professional developers. This year Stack Overflow added the WSL option for the first time.

Developer's favorite, most troublesome, and most desired technology

Programming, scripting and markup languages

Rust has become the most popular programming language for developers for six consecutive years, and Python has become the language that developers most want to use for five consecutive years.


Redis has become the most popular database among developers for the fifth consecutive year, and PostgreSQL has surpassed MongoDB by a marginal advantage of less than 1% to become the database developers most want to use. IBM DB2 has become the most troublesome database for developers for the second year in a row.

Web framework

The emerging framework Svelte topped the list and became the most popular framework for developers. React was the framework developers most wanted to use. A quarter of the developers chose React.

The most commonly used and most wanted technology for developers at work

Stack Overflow added a "Worked with vs. want to work with" section to this year's developer survey to explore technology trends.

The survey shows that more than 10k Javascript developers want to start or continue to use Go or Rust for development work. Most developers who want to use Dart are currently using JavaScript, and only SQL developers want to use PHP for development work.

On the database side, 12,590 MySQL developers want to use PostgreSQL, and 6,429 PostgreSQL developers want to use MySQL.

In terms of platform, AWS is the most popular platform, but a large number of AWS developers hope to develop in Google Cloud next year-8,586 AWS developers want to use Google Cloud, while only 7,668 Google Cloud developers want to work in AWS . Developers who currently use Heroku or Digital Ocean are more inclined to start or continue to use AWS, followed by Google Cloud and Azure. Very few developers currently using Azure want to migrate to Heroku.

In terms of web frameworks, Django, Flask, and Spring developers hope to continue working in their respective frameworks.
As for collaboration tools, IPython/Jupyter users want to work with VS Code. This may be due to the addition of Notebook API in the IDE by VS Codes.

Highest paying technology

As far as programming languages are concerned, Clojure developers have the highest median salary, $14k higher than F#'s second place. The programming languages Perl, Scala and Go with the highest salaries last year all dropped in rankings, and Perl dropped from the first place last year to the fifth place this year. The lowest paid programming language is Dart.

In terms of databases, developers who use DynamoDB, Elasticsearch, and Cassandra are paid the most; in terms of platforms, developers who use AWS are the most paid; in terms of web frameworks, developers who use Ruby on Rails, Svelte, and ASP.NET Core are paid the most.

Salary status of different types of developers

As last year, engineering managers, site reliability engineers (SRE), DevOps experts, and data engineers have the highest salaries.

In addition, compared with other language users with the same experience, the salary of PHP developers is disproportionately low.

For the full report, please refer to: https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021

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