Introduction to in many game types in the game industry, especially SLG. In order to prevent the client from cheating, after each round of battle, when the client predicts the victory of the player, the server is required to settle the battle data. So as to determine whether the player is a real victory. Battle settlement is highly CPU-intensive, and the settlement system needs a lot of computing power every day, especially the large number of players who suddenly influx during the opening of the server or during the event, resulting in an instantaneous increase of several times the amount of calculation required, and the settlement system needs to maintain a stable delay. Time to ensure the player’s user experience.

Direct Best Practice: [ Best Practice for Building Game Battle Settlement Service Based on ECI+FaaS ]
Best Practices of Yunqi: [ Click to view more best practices of to the cloud 161137c8014c7a]

There are a wealth of best practices for enterprise cloud migration. Starting from typical scenarios, we provide a series of project practice solutions to lower the threshold for enterprise cloud migration while meeting your needs!

Scene description

In many game types in the game industry, especially SLG, in order to prevent the client from cheating, after each round of battle, when the client predicts the victory of the player, the server is required to settle the battle data to determine whether the player is Not a real victory. Battle settlement is highly CPU-intensive, and the settlement system needs a lot of computing power every day, especially the large number of players who suddenly influx during the opening of the server or during the event, resulting in an instantaneous increase of several times the amount of calculation required, and the settlement system needs to maintain a stable delay. Time to ensure the player’s user experience.

Application scenario

  • Self-built harbor mirror warehouse and migrate the mirror to Alibaba Cloud Container Mirror Service OCR (including the enterprise version).
  • Self-built Registry image warehouse, and migrate the image to Alibaba Cloud Container Service OCR (including the enterprise version).
  • Self-built & IDC K8S business, through velero to migrate applications to Alibaba Cloud Container Service ACK.
  • Use velero to back up K8S (both on and off the cloud) applications to OSS to ensure that the configuration data is in the same city & remotely for disaster recovery.

Product List

  • Container KubernetesACK
  • Container instance ECI
  • Container mirror warehouse ACR
  • Function calculation FC
  • Access control RAM
  • VPC
  • Cloud server ECS


Direct Direct Best Practice "

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