Introduction to believes that many people have been exposed to many AI-related services and capabilities in life, such as face recognition, plant recognition, license plate recognition, smart matting, etc. These convenient capabilities help us in our work Successful cases have been completed one after another, from the now popular face attendance to intelligent diagnosis to help medical experiments. Artificial intelligence can actually do more.

Forgot to bring the card and enter the door by face

Express delivery by post, take a photo as a gift

One-click to cut out pictures, amazing

Video generation, complete in one second

Beauty, gentle and pleasant

Online car insurance, unheard of

Countless, artificial intelligence

The craftsman can be said to be very serious.

I believe that many people have come into contact with a lot of AI-related services and capabilities in life, such as face recognition, plant recognition, license plate recognition, smart matting, etc. These convenient capabilities have helped us complete a project in our work. Another successful case, from the now popular face attendance to intelligent diagnosis to help medical experiments. Artificial intelligence can actually do more. Find the AI ability you want:

Let’s talk about what you want AI to help you in your life and work.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of the artificial intelligence that you encounter or use now?

Write your selected comments, before you 40 Selected comments to get a beautiful gift

(Filling water, replies to the building do not count the qualifications for awards)

Activity time:

August 1-15, 2021 at 3 p.m.


1. Future Craftsman: Fine Mark


2. AI supervisor: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple seven-color dolls


Note: The final interpretation right of the event belongs to Alibaba Cloud.

Example: The designer can be lazy and I will never do it

For a long time, as a part of the product design of an Internet company, the designer has been involved in the entire link from product design to operation activities. Miss sister helped me make a picture, Miss sister helped me with an avatar, Miss sister~ Sorry, I just remembered the past. The design lady who was tortured by me, I am definitely not trying to strike up a conversation, it is a real job requirement (Zhou Zhen). Product design starts with PRD, and needs to prepare user requirements, product logic, functions, program logic diagrams, etc.; while operation is about preparing core users, user research, event planning, etc. around the product stage. In this whole process, there will be countless branches of design requirements, and the tortured are the design students. But from a certain day, the design classmates suddenly got rid of this simple and repetitive work. The AI intelligent matting of Dharma Academy can cut out complete portraits and objects in an instant, so that white background matting, poster production, and publicity can be completed. Material production becomes extremely convenient.


Everyone can talk freely and write down stories and ideas about AI in work and life.

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