About AIA Life has accelerated the process of launching important business systems to the cloud. Dozens of business systems, including insurance policies, policy contracts, etc., have begun to adopt Alibaba Cloud PolarDB cloud-native database, which further improves by fully replacing traditional commercial databases. The performance of the business system provides the most stable and reliable service to the end user.
On August 4, the reporter learned that AIA Life has accelerated the process of getting important business systems to the cloud. Dozens of business systems including insurance policies, insurance policy contracts, etc., have begun to adopt Aliyun PolarDB cloud native database, which completely replaces the traditional The commercial database further improves the performance of the business system and provides the most stable and reliable service to the end users.
AIA is an international insurance company with a history of more than 100 years. In 2020, it ranks 250th on the Fortune 500 list. It operates in 18 markets in the Asia-Pacific region such as Mainland China and Hong Kong. AIA Life Insurance is the life insurance subsidiary of AIA in Mainland China and the first wholly foreign-owned life insurance company approved in Mainland China.
In recent years, AIA Life has accelerated the pace of digital transformation and promoted the full migration of its business system in China to Alibaba Cloud. In the process of going to the cloud, AIA Life has accelerated the adoption of cloud databases to replace traditional commercial databases that have been used for many years. Up to now, dozens of business systems, including insurance policy issuance and policy contract, have fully adopted Alibaba Cloud PolarDB cloud native database, which has greatly improved the performance of business systems and flexibly responded to business peaks such as "good start".
Take the insurance contract system as an example. Before the entire policy sales process and each policy is formally generated, AIA Life, marketers, end customers, etc. need to perform a large number of query operations, and each order requires hundreds or thousands of times. Read request. AIA Life has easily solved such problems by introducing Alibaba Cloud PolarDB cloud database and using its excellent one-write-multiple-read function.
AIA Cloud Computing Architect Luo Linqiang said that the insurance industry's "good start" activities, similar to the e-commerce Double Eleven promotion, have typical traffic peaks. For this business characteristic, Alibaba Cloud PolarDB cloud database can easily deal with it. As the company accelerates its full cloud access, cloud databases will become an important technical support for various business systems.
According to reports, Alibaba Cloud has self-developed PolarDB cloud native database, which has 6 times higher performance than MySQL and only 1/10 of the cost of traditional commercial databases. In the past decade or so, Alibaba Cloud has made rapid progress in the field of product technology and has been widely recognized by the market. As the only technology manufacturer in China, it has successfully entered the Gartner Global Database Leaders Quadrant. At present, more than 150,000 database customers have migrated to Alibaba Cloud, including leading enterprises in various fields such as government affairs, retail, finance, telecommunications, manufacturing, and logistics.
Article Source: Financial Headlines
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