go-eventbus event bus

Address: github.com/lockp111/go-eventbus

Refer to go-observable, but there is a problem with the code, and it will crash because the map is read and written at the same time. After I repaired it and submitted it to the author, I still ignored me. , And if you don’t pay attention to using func, there may be two identical func, so change to interface, Benchmark shows a very big improvement


go get -u github.com/lockp111/go-eventbus


Create a new bus struct reference

bus := eventbus.New()

On(topic string, e ...Event)

Subscribe event

type ready struct{

func (e ready) Dispatch(msg interface{}){
    fmt.Println("I am ready!")

bus.On("ready", &ready{})

You can also subscribe multiple events for example:

type run struct{

func (e run) Dispatch(msg interface{}){
    fmt.Println("I am run!")

bus.On("ready", &ready{}, &ready{}).On("run", &run{})

Off(topic string, e ...Event)

Unsubscribe event

e := &ready{}
bus.On("ready", e)
bus.Off("ready", e)

You can also unsubscribe multiple events for example:

e1 := &ready{}
e2 := &ready{}
bus.On("ready", e1, e2)
bus.Off("ready", e1, e2)

You can unsubscribe all events for example:

bus.On("ready", &ready{}, &ready{})

You can unsubscribe all topics for example:

bus.On("ready", &ready{}, &ready{})
bus.On("run", &run{})

Trigger(topic string, msg ...interface{})

Dispatch events


You can also dispatch multiple events for example:

bus.Trigger("ready", &struct{"1"}, &struct{"2"})

You can also dispatch all events for example:

bus.Trigger(ALL, &struct{"1"})

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