- For docker installation, refer docker deployment of the open source interface management tool doclever , the ubuntu system of the environment wsl2 in this article.
- Terraria server file, download address Terraria server , if the link fails, you can find and download on Terraria official website
Prepare a temporary folder. After decompressing the downloaded server file, you only need to copy the linux version to come in.
$ mkdir temp # 给这个文件加上执行权限 $ chmod +x linux/TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64 $ cp linux temp/linux
Create a Dockerfile, a directory at the same level as linux
$ vim Dockerfile
Edit Dockerfile
# 声明基础镜像,我这里用的ubuntu,大概80m FROM ubuntu:latest AS base # 在COPY命令后,改变容器的默认路径,这里直接进入到游戏文件根目录 WORKDIR /usr/local/tserver # 未来暴露7777端口,因为泰拉瑞亚服务端端口默认7777,没特殊必要不需要修改 EXPOSE 7777 # 将本地游戏文件复制到ubuntu的路径下 COPY ./linux /usr/local/tserver # 当容器运行后执行的开服命令 # ./TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64 可执行文件 # -config 指定游戏配置文件 # serverconfig.txt 游戏服务器配置文件 ENTRYPOINT ["./TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64","-config","serverconfig.txt"]
Create a game server configuration file, in the linux directory, at the same level as the game file
$ vim serverconfig.txt
The file is placed at the end of the article, and the configuration is modified as needed. What I configure here is:
- Specify the map name TerrariaMaster1423.wld
- Specify the map loading path ./Worlds/
- Port 7777
- Server password xxxx
- Maximum number of players: 8
- Master of Map Difficulty
Small map size
Everything is ready, the build begins
# 不要忘记末尾有个句点,这是表示从当前目录寻找Dockerfile $ docker build -t 1423_master_smallworld:v1 .
voice chat
Test start
$ docker run --rm -it 1423_master_smallworld:v1
Officially launched
# -it 启动后进入docker容器内部 # --rm 当容器停止后删除容器 # -p 端口映射到物理机 # -v 卷映射,将游戏存档持久化到物理机硬盘上 $ docker run -it --rm -p 7777:7777 -v /home/xsf/temp/Worlds:/usr/local/tserver/Worlds 1423_master_smallworld:v1
As for why it must be -it instead of -d. As for background startup, because of the limitation of the game service, the terminal output must be front-end, otherwise the startup will fail.
If you need to start on a remote server, you need to use screen or tmux to start, because when you close the remote, the service will be automatically shut down (no daemon)
Game effect
play! !
You can clone the source file if you need to modify the server configuration
xiaoshangfei/TerrariaServer1423( , modify serverconfig.txt by yourself.
If you don't want to be troublesome, just download the docker image and run it
$ docker pull xiaoshangfei911213/1423_master_smallworld
- Game server configuration file (reference)
#this is an example config file for TerrariaServer.exe
#use the command 'TerrariaServer.exe -config serverconfig.txt' to use this configuration or run start-server.bat
#please report crashes by emailing crashlog.txt to
#the following is a list of available command line parameters:
#-config <config file> Specifies the configuration file to use.
#-port <port number> Specifies the port to listen on.
#-players <number> / -maxplayers <number> Sets the max number of players
#-pass <password> / -password <password> Sets the server password
#-world <world file> Load a world and automatically start the server.
#-autocreate <#> Creates a world if none is found in the path specified by -world. World size is specified by: 1(small), 2(medium), and 3(large).
#-banlist <path> Specifies the location of the banlist. Defaults to "banlist.txt" in the working directory.
#-worldname <world name> Sets the name of the world when using -autocreate.
#-secure Adds addition cheat protection to the server.
#-noupnp Disables automatic port forwarding
#-steam Enables Steam Support
#-lobby <friends> or <private> Allows friends to join the server or sets it to private if Steam is enabled
#-ip <ip address> Sets the IP address for the server to listen on
#-forcepriority <priority> Sets the process priority for this task. If this is used the "priority" setting below will be ignored.
#-disableannouncementbox Disables the text announcements Announcement Box makes when pulsed from wire.
#-announcementboxrange <number> Sets the announcement box text messaging range in pixels, -1 for serverwide announcements.
#-seed <seed> Specifies the world seed when using -autocreate
#remove the # in front of commands to enable them.
#Load a world and automatically start the server.
#Creates a new world if none is found. World size is specified by: 1(small), 2(medium), and 3(large).
#Sets the world seed when using autocreate
#Sets the name of the world when using autocreate
#Sets the difficulty of the world when using autocreate 0(classic), 1(expert), 2(master), 3(journey)
#Sets the max number of players allowed on a server. Value must be between 1 and 255
#Set the port number
#Set the server password
#Set the message of the day
motd=Please don�t cut the purple trees!
#Sets the folder where world files will be stored
#Sets the number of rolling world backups to keep
#The location of the banlist. Defaults to "banlist.txt" in the working directory.
#Adds addition cheat protection.
#Sets the server language from its language code.
#English = en-US, German = de-DE, Italian = it-IT, French = fr-FR, Spanish = es-ES, Russian = ru-RU, Chinese = zh-Hans, Portuguese = pt-BR, Polish = pl-PL,
#Automatically forward ports with uPNP
#Reduces enemy skipping but increases bandwidth usage. The lower the number the less skipping will happen, but more data is sent. 0 is off.
#Default system priority 0:Realtime, 1:High, 2:AboveNormal, 3:Normal, 4:BelowNormal, 5:Idle
#Reduces maximum liquids moving at the same time. If enabled may reduce lags but liquids may take longer to settle.
#Journey mode power permissions for every individual power. 0: Locked for everyone, 1: Can only be changed by host, 2: Can be changed by everyone
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