Introduction to In order to allow more developers to have a deeper grasp of cloud integration, Alibaba Cloud AIoT has planned the "5 Camps-Cloud Integrated Intelligent Hardware Development Novice Training Camp", targeting at the core product HaaS, cloud integration of AIoT, AliOS Things, IoT platform, IoT Studio, and IoT Security Center have respectively launched 5 targeted courses, allowing developers to efficiently and quickly realize hardware intelligence through learning! Participate in this learning feast, and receive a 50 yuan Tmall supermarket shopping voucher! Hurry up and pick up the prizes with the editor!

Want to monetize knowledge? The editor tells you the cheats for receiving the award!

1. Activity time: August 9th-August 25th

2. Complete the task:

(1) Sign up for a total of four training camps from 2-5

(2) Complete the check-in tasks for all training camps (professionals who have been opened through a public instance before the start of the camp and are unable to check-in can also participate in the activity normally, we will check the activation status and give out the prizes normally~)

(3) Enter all training camp nail groups

3. How to receive awards: We will send out questionnaires in Ding Group from August 25th to 27th for statistics on the list of winners and award information. Please be sure to pay attention and fill in it.

4. Number of prizes: There are only 400 prizes for the event, first come first served!

Sign up through train (click to sign up)

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