Introduction to IDC report of 1612c9710bf5ba, China's relational database software market will reach 12.18 billion yuan in 2020, a year-on-year increase of 36.5%. Among them, the relational database market deployed in the public cloud model accounted for 51.5%, surpassing the market scale of the traditional offline deployment model for the first time, and is expected to continue to rise by 2025, accounting for 73.5%.

A few days ago, the authoritative market research organization IDC released a 2020 China relational database market research report, Cloud with a market share of more than 28% , overwhelming traditional database vendors, leading the industry. Among them, in the cloud relational database market, Cloud leads the market with absolute advantage. The market share of 1612c9710bf606 exceeds the total of the 2nd to 7th places, .


Relational databases are one of the mainstream database products, which are widely used in the fields of finance, government affairs, telecommunications, logistics, and the Internet. At present, the main requirements for relational databases are transitioning to cloud services, cloud native, distributed, and analytical.

IDC report shows that China's relational database software market will reach 12.18 billion yuan in 2020, a year-on-year increase of 36.5%. Among them, the relational database deployed in the public cloud model accounted for 51.5% of the market. surpassed the traditional offline deployment model for the first time. It is expected to continue to rise by 2025, accounting for 73.5%.

In terms of specific vendors, Cloud has a market share of more than 28%, , leading the industry, and overall revenue increased by more than 70% over the previous year. Among them, in the public cloud deployment market, Cloud's share is far ahead, with 1612c9710bf72e exceeding the total of the second to seventh vendors .

Alibaba Cloud's industry ranking is due to its leading cloud database technology and database product matrix and solutions oriented to industry needs. As the first echelon cloud vendor in China, in addition to the intelligent enterprise-level cloud data service RDS, formed a platform with PolarDB, AnalyticDB, and Lindorm as the core. A cloud database product matrix for online transaction processing, analysis and multi-mode , HTAP, Internet of Things and other different scenarios.

At present, Alibaba Cloud's database products are being widely used in various businesses of the group, supporting hundreds of millions of users to use services such as online shopping, online payment, online transaction and analysis. Cloud Database is actively opening up to the outside world, expanding the enterprise-level market, and extensively serving 1612c9710bf7a5 Internet, finance, government affairs, telecommunications, transportation and energy and other fields , including the State Administration of Taxation. , China Post, China Life, China Southern Airlines, AIA, etc.

——Source: Economic Observer

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