Introduction to wants to build an application with Yibu, but I am always worried that the amount of data will be exceeded by accident? In order to allow you to use Yida with more peace of mind, we will expand and upgrade the data volume (strips) of some versions of Yida on September 1. We will continue to iterate products and provide you with better services. Thank you again for your use and support of Yidah.
I want to build an application with Yi build, but I am always worried that the amount of data will be exceeded by accident? In order to allow you to use Yida with more peace of mind, we will expand and upgrade the data volume (strips) of some versions of Yida on September 1. We will continue to iterate products and provide you with better services. Thank you again for your use and support of Yidah.
1. Experience version: The amount of data ( ) increased from 5000 to 16139ccaf6f192 20000 ;
2. Standard version and ) is not limited to 16139ccaf6f1af;
3. When you purchase DingTalk Professional 1.0 before July 8, 2021, the version that is included in the DingDing Professional Edition will still enjoy 50,000 data. You can order data packages or other versions as needed.
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