
MQTT.js is an open source MQTT protocol client library, written in JavaScript, mainly used in Node.js and browser environments. MQTT client library that is most widely used in the JavaScript ecosystem.

MQTT is a lightweight IoT messaging protocol based on the publish/subscribe model. It can provide real-time and reliable messaging services for networked devices with very little code and bandwidth. It is widely used in the Internet of Things, mobile Internet, smart hardware, The Internet of Vehicles, electric power and other industries.

Due to the single-threaded feature of JavaScript, MQTT.js is a fully asynchronous MQTT client. MQTT.js supports MQTT/TCP, MQTT/TLS, MQTT/WebSocket, and the degree of support in different operating environments is as follows:

  • Browser environment: MQTT over WebSocket (including custom browser environments such as WeChat applet and Alipay applet)
  • Node.js environment: MQTT, MQTT over WebSocket

In different environments, except for a few connection parameters, other APIs are the same. And after MQTT.js v3.0.0 and above, MQTT 5.0 has been fully supported.


Install using npm or yarn

npm install mqtt --save

# 或使用 yarn

yarn add mqtt

Note : If your Node environment is v12 or v14 and above, please use MQTT.js 4.0.0 and above

Install using CDN

In the browser environment, we can also use CDN to introduce MQTT.js. The bundle package of http://unpkg.com 16139ccb04adb2, we can directly add unpkg.com/mqtt/dist/mqtt.min.js to use.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/mqtt/dist/mqtt.min.js"></script>
  // 将在全局初始化一个 mqtt 变量

Global installation

In addition to the above installation methods, MQTT.js also provides a global installation method, using command-line tools to complete MQTT connection, publishing, and subscription.

npm install mqtt -g

We will describe in detail how to use the command line tool of MQTT.js in some tutorials below.


This article will use the free public MQTT server provided by EMQ X Cloud as the MQTT server address for this test. The server access information is as follows:

  • Broker: broker.emqx.io
  • TCP Port: 1883
  • SSL/TLS Port: 8883

For more details, please visit EMQ X Cloud official website , or check EMQ X Cloud document .

Simple example

We simply write a piece of code to connect to EMQ X Cloud and complete an example of subscribing to topics and sending and receiving messages:

const mqtt = require('mqtt')
const options = {
  // Clean session
  clean: true,
  connectTimeout: 4000,
  // Auth
  clientId: 'emqx_test',
  username: 'emqx_test',
  password: 'emqx_test',
const client  = mqtt.connect('mqtt://broker.emqx.io:1883')
client.on('connect', function () {
  client.subscribe('test', function (err) {
    if (!err) {
      client.publish('test', 'Hello mqtt')

client.on('message', function (topic, message) {
  // message is Buffer

Command Line

After installing MQTT.js globally, we can also use the command line tool to complete the topic subscription message publishing and receiving actions.

The example connects to broker.emqx.io and subscribes to the topic testtopic/#

mqtt sub -t 'testtopic/#' -h 'broker.emqx.io' -v

The example connects to broker.emqx.io and sends a message to the testtopic/hello

mqtt pub -t 'testtopic/hello' -h 'broker.emqx.io' -m 'from MQTT.js'

API introduction

mqtt.connect([url], options)

Connect to the specified MQTT Broker function and always return a Client object. The first parameter is passed in a URL value, the URL can be the following protocol: mqtt , mqtts , tcp , tls , ws , wss . URL can also be an object returned by URL.parse(). Then pass in an Options object to configure the options of the MQTT connection. Here are some commonly used attribute values in the Options object:

  • Options

    • keepalive : The unit is seconds, numeric type, the default is 60 seconds, and it is disabled when set to 0
    • clientId : The default is 'mqttjs_' + Math.random().toString(16).substr(2, 8) , which can support custom modified strings
    • protocolVersion : MQTT protocol version number, the default is 4 (v3.1.1) and can be modified to 3 (v3.1) and 5 (v5.0)
    • clean : The default is true , whether to clear the session. When set to true , the session will be cleared after disconnection, and the subscribed Topics will also become invalid. When set to false , messages with QoS 1 and 2 can also be received in offline state
    • reconnectPeriod : Reconnection interval time, the unit is milliseconds, the default is 1000 milliseconds, Note: set to 0, automatic reconnection will be cancelled
    • connectTimeout : Connection timeout duration, the waiting time before receiving CONNACK, in milliseconds, the default is 30000 milliseconds
    • username : Authentication user name, if Broker requires user name authentication, please set this value
    • password : Authentication password, if Broker requires password authentication, please set this value
    • will : Will message, a configurable object value. When the client disconnects abnormally, the Broker will publish a message to the Will Topic in the format:

      • topic : Topic sent by the will
      • payload : News from the will
      • QoS : QoS value sent by the will
      • retain : The retain sign of the message published in the will
    • properties : MQTT 5.0 new, configurable object property values, please refer to: https://github.com/mqttjs/MQTT.js#mqttclientstreambuilder-options
  • If you need to configure an SSL/TLS connection, the Option object will be passed to tls.connect() , so you can configure the following properties in option

    • rejectUnauthorized : Whether to verify the server certificate chain and address name. When set to false, the verification will be skipped and will be exposed to man-in-the-middle attacks. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this configuration in a production environment. When set to true, it will be enabled Strong authentication mode, and if it is a self-signed certificate, please set Alt name during certificate configuration.
    • ca : Only necessary when the server uses a self-signed certificate, the CA file generated in the self-signed certificate
    • cert: Only necessary when the server requires client certificate authentication (two-way authentication), client certificate
    • key: Only necessary when the server requires client certificate authentication (two-way authentication), the client key

Client events

When the connection is successful, the returned Client object can listen to multiple events through the on method, and the business logic can be completed in the listener callback function. Here are some common events:

  • connect

    Triggered when the connection is successful, the parameter is connack

    client.on('connect', function (connack) {
  • reconnect

    Triggered when the connection is automatically reconnected to the Broker after the reconnection interval has elapsed after disconnection

    client.on('reconnect', function () {
  • close

    Triggered after disconnection

    client.on('close', function () {
  • disconnect

    Triggered when a disconnected message sent by Broker is received, the parameter packet is the message received when disconnected, the function in MQTT 5.0

    client.on('disconnect', function (packet) {
  • offline

    Triggered when the client goes offline

    client.on('offline', function () {
  • error

    Triggered when the client cannot connect successfully or a parsing error occurs, the parameter error is the error message

    client.on('error', function (error) {
  • message

    Triggered when the client receives a published payload, which contains three parameters, topic, payload and packet, where topic is the topic of the received message, payload is the content of the received message, and packet is the MQTT message information. It contains QoS, retain and other information

    client.on('message', function (topic, payload, packet) {
      // Payload is Buffer
      console.log(`Topic: ${topic}, Message: ${payload.toString()}, QoS: ${packet.qos}`)

Client method

In addition to monitoring events, Client also has some built-in methods for publishing and subscribing operations. Here are some commonly used methods.

  • Client.publish(topic, message, [options], [callback])

    A function method to publish a message to a topic, which contains four parameters:

    • topic: the topic to be sent, as a string
    • message: The message under the subject to be sent, which can be a string or a Buffer
    • options: Optional value, configuration information when publishing a message, mainly to set the QoS and Retain value when publishing a message.
    • callback: the callback function after the message is published, the parameter is error, this parameter only exists when the publication fails
    // 向 testtopic 主题发送一条 QoS 为 0 的测试消息
    client.publish('testtopic', 'Hello, MQTT!', { qos: 0, retain: false }, function (error) {
      if (error) {
      } else {
  • Client.subscribe(topic/topic array/topic object, [options], [callback])

    The method of subscribing to one or more topics. When the connection is successful, you need to subscribe to the topic to get the message. This method contains three parameters:

    • topic: You can pass in a string, or an array of strings, or a topic object, {'test1': {qos: 0}, 'test2': {qos: 1}}
    • options: optional value, configuration information when subscribing to Topic, mainly to fill in the QoS level of the subscribed Topic
    • callback: callback function after subscribing to Topic. The parameters are error and granted. The error parameter only exists when the subscription fails. Granted is an array of {topic, qos}, where topic is a subscribed topic, and qos is a topic that is granted QoS level
    // 订阅一个名为 testtopic QoS 为 0 的 Topic
    client.subscribe('testtopic', { qos: 0 }, function (error, granted) {
      if (error) {
      } else {
        console.log(`${granted[0].topic} was subscribed`)
  • Client.unsubscribe(topic/topic array, [options], [callback])

    To unsubscribe a single topic or multiple topics, this method contains three parameters:

    • topic: You can pass in a string or an array of strings
    • options: Optional value, configuration information when unsubscribing
    • callback: callback function when unsubscribing, the parameter is error, the error parameter only exists when unsubscribing fails
    // 取消订阅名为 testtopic 的 Topic
    client.unsubscribe('testtopic', function (error) {
      if (error) {
      } else {
  • Client.end([force], [options], [callback])

    Close the client, this method contains three parameters:

    • force: When set to true, the client will be shut down immediately without waiting for the disconnected message to be accepted. This parameter is optional and the default is false. Note : When this value is true, the Broker cannot receive the disconnect message
    • options: Optional value, configuration information when the client is closed, mainly reasonCode can be configured, Reason Code when disconnected
    • callback: callback function when the client is closed


So far, I briefly introduced the usage of some commonly used APIs of MQTT.js, etc. For specific usage in actual projects, please refer to the following link:

Copyright statement: This article is EMQ original, please indicate the source for reprinting.

Original link: https://www.emqx.com/zh/blog/mqtt-js-tutorial

Technical support: If you have any questions about this article or EMQ related products, you can visit the EMQ Q&A community https://askemq.com ask questions, and we will reply to support in time.

For more technical dry goods, please pay attention to our public account [EMQ Chinese Community].

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EMQ(杭州映云科技有限公司)是一家开源物联网数据基础设施软件供应商,交付全球领先的开源 MQTT 消息服务器和流处理数据库,提供基于云原生+边缘计算技术的一站式解决方案,实现企业云边端实时数据连接、移动、...