


As a developer, I have always wanted to try flutter for a long time. When I started using Flutter, it took me a lot of time to set it up, and I had to go through various tutorials and articles to set up the development environment. I wrote this blog because I don't want my development colleagues to face the mistakes I have to face in the process.

System Requirements:

To install and run Flutter, your development environment must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Operating Systems : Windows 7 SP1 or higher (64-bit), based on x86-64
  • Disk Space : 1.64 GB (Excluding IDE/tool disk space)
  • Tools : Flutter depends on whether these tools are available in your environment
  • Windows PowerShell 5.0 or newer (this is pre-installed with Windows 10) or newer (this is pre-installed with Windows 10)
  • Git for Windows Git for Windows 2. x, with the 2. x, plus Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt option. Choose
  • If you have installed Git for Windows, make sure you can run the git command from the command prompt or PowerShell

Things to download/install:

Here is what you will download/install during this process:

  • Flutter Flutter SDK
Software Development Software Development Kit
  • Andriod Studio
  • Java SE Development Kit Development Kit
  • Git for windows
  • VS Code (Visual Studio Code)
let us start?

Flutter SDK (software development kit):

A clip from https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/windows

You can download the latest stable version of the Flutter SDK from the official Flutter installation document. The current stable version of windows is 2.2.3-stable, which may be different when you read this blog. Download the latest version available at the time.

  • . zip extract Flutter SDK
  • C:\src in your c drive and paste the extracted Flutter SDK

Flutter SDK driven by C

  • Now enter the Flutter folder, and then enter the trash can
  • Copy the path of the trash can

  • Open the window search and type env .

  • Now open "Edit environment variables for your account"

  • Double click path

  • Click on New and paste the path flutter\bin and click "OK"
  • Now, open cmd (or any terminal window) and enter the following command

dart where flutter dart

If you get the location of the Flutter and provincial files, you have successfully installed the Flutter SDK and set its path.

Java SE Development Kit:

If JDK is already installed on your PC, please make sure to set it to the "JAVA.home" path.

Now, let's set java se:


  • Download and install the x64/x86 wrt specification for your PC
  • After installation, navigate to \bin : In my case:

dart C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_301bin

  • Copy the path and open "Edit environment variables for your account"
  • Create a new variable JAVA_HOME .

JAVA_HOME Environment Variable Environment Variable

You have completed the JDK setup

Andriod Studio:

We are downloading andriod studio to build andriod emulator.
  • Download Andriod Studio ANDRIOD STUDIO .
  • Install it. Install it
  • Now, open CMD/Terminal and run the following command:

dart flutter doctor

You may not get everything about green tick, check only andriod studio, because now.
  • If Flutter can't find it, run flutter config --android-studio-dir <directory> set the directory where Android Studio is installed
  • Open Andriod Studio

If you want to develop applications in Andriod Studio,

- Go to plugins, search for “Dart” and “Flutter”.

-Download them and restart andriod studio. Now you can see a "Create New Flutter Project" on the dashboard.

  • Select More Actions .

Andriod Studio

  • Choose AVD Manager .

AVD Manager — Andriod Studio

  • Click + Create Virtual Device… .

Create Virtual Device — AVD Manager — Andriod Studio

  • Choose an Android device you like, then click Next

Create Virtual Device — AVD Manager — Andriod Studio

  • Click to download the Andriod version Download (blue), under (blue) Release Name .
  • Once the download is complete, click Next

Create Virtual Device — AVD Manager — Andriod Studio

  • Now, Finish. Now, Finish.

🍻Cheers to you, you’re almost done\!. 🥳

Cheers to you, you're almost done

Visual Studio code:

Say hello to my favorite IDE!

Extensions — VS Code

  • Search for Flutter in the extensions, and install this: and install this:

VS Code Flutter extension

Well, everything is over. Now, it's time to check the atrial doctor Flutter.
  • Open CMD/terminal and run

dart flutter doctor

  • You may still have an unchecked box

Flutter Doctor Flutter

  • Run this command on your terminal,

dart flutter doctor \--andriod-licenses

  • Now, run flutter doctor again. Once again

Flutter Doctor Flutter

Yipieee, now you are ready to develop a Flutter application.

Blogging will make me happy and encourage me to write more such blogs.

© Cat brother


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