introduction of breaks the curse of "difficult management", know where to stop and attack!

Unattended parking lot

Centralized management of all parking access records

There are also various parking-related scene innovation capabilities


A large wave of black technology in parking lots is coming

Are you ready for many parking lots?

A set of Alibaba Cloud parking system can help you easily manage


Know-place parking-to create an "unattended" parking solution to solve the core problems of "difficulty in operation", "difficulty in management" and "difficulty in charging" for the operation of parking enterprises in the mode of light equipment and heavy cloud. Provide solutions that reduce costs and increase efficiency. At the same time, provide car owners with autonomous entry and exit, convenient payment services, and a good parking experience.

The smart parking system is created by Alibaba Cloud and Smartchip. It uses the perfect combination of Alibaba Cloud AIoT technology and the leading industry technology of Smartchip. Through the AIoT parking service engine, it uses algorithm analysis capabilities, map capabilities, and payment capabilities. The innovative ability of waiting for parking related scenes. This is not only a change in parking methods, but also the beginning of the parking lot Internet, helping parking companies to transform from digital to digital intelligence.

We are recruiting partners from Zhibit Parking City across the country, welcome to join the group for exchanges.


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