Prestige increase

Conditions Score Note
answer accepted+15
The answer is liked+10Only liked by users with reputation >= 15
The lecture started as scheduled and ended+10
Lectures are reviewed and published+5
Question is liked+10Only liked by users with reputation >= 15
Article is liked+5Only liked by users with reputation >= 15
The video/live is liked+5Only liked by users with reputation >= 15
Tag Editing Adopted+2
accept other's answer+2
Someone unfollows your question or answer+2
someone signed up for your lecture+1Only when payment amount > 0
You signed up for someone else's lecture+1Only when payment amount > 0
you unbanned someone else+1
Question or article is bookmarked+1
answer the questions+1Total daily limit is 1
new user activation+1
Your edit proposal has been reviewed+2

Reputation decreased

Condition Score Note
down vote on other people's answers-1
answer ignored-1
Question or answer downvoted-2
you unaccepted someone else's answer-2
Answers deleted (including self-deletion)-5
Someone unliked your post-5If you don't add prestige when you like it, you will not be deducted if you cancel it.
Someone unliked your question-5If you don't add prestige when you like it, you will not be deducted if you cancel it.
Someone unliked your answer-10If you don't add prestige when you like it, you will not be deducted if you cancel it.
Someone unaccepted your answer-15
Someone unliked your video/live-5If you don't add prestige when you like it, you will not be deducted if you cancel it.
A piece of content you posted has received ≥ 6 reports for spam, violations, or unkindness-100
The modification proposal has not passed the review-2

other rules

  • The initial reputation of inactive users is 0, and after activation, the reputation becomes 1
  • If there is an operation that will cause the user's reputation to be < 1, other subsequent operations that reduce reputation will not reduce the user's reputation. Negative scores are too cruel to users, and easily lead to other users' resistance to negative score users
  • Gain up to 200 reputation per day
  • If an operation causes the user's reputation to be > 200 that day, other operations to increase reputation will not increase the user's reputation. This move is to prevent new users from obtaining community management rights prematurely without being familiar with the community rules, causing confusion to the community management system
  • Reputation earned for accepted answers is not subject to the 200 cap
  • Stepping on other people's problems does not detract from your own reputation
  • No prestige for accepting own answer
  • When the content is locked, the voting operation will also be locked at the same time

6.8k 声望946 粉丝
