As a GISer, WebGIS
is commonly used turf.js
library for geospatial analysis. It is often used with various GIS JS API
, such as leaflet
, mapboxgl
, openlayers
etc. There is also a comparison in the background Java
The powerful GIS library, geotools
, contains all the tools needed to build a complete geographic information system; the database terminal is commonly used as postgis
extension of 0613aca4224138, which needs to be introduced and used postgres
However, when developing certain business systems, some requirements only need to call a certain GIS algorithm, which can be completed with a few simple lines of code, and there is no need to quote a GIS class library.
Moreover, some algorithms do not have corresponding interfaces in these commonly used GIS libraries. For example, in the several common algorithms recorded below, there is no corresponding interface turf.js
The following article is a summary of some commonly used GIS algorithms, which are JavaScript
language. Because the JS
is relatively simple, it is convenient to understand the algorithm logic and preview the effect in the browser. In specific applications, it can be translated into languages such Java
, C#
, Python
Most of the code in the article was searched on the Internet when I encountered a requirement before, and then optimized and modified according to the specific needs. Through this article, I will summarize and collect it, which is also convenient for subsequent use.
1. Commonly used algorithms
The points, lines, and areas passed in the following methods all correspond to geojson
format coordinates
, which is convenient for unified calling. geojson
standard reference:
1.1. Calculate the distance between two latitude and longitude points
Applicable scene: measurement
* 计算两经纬度点之间的距离(单位:米)
* @param p1 起点的坐标;[经度,纬度];例:[116.35,40.08]
* @param p2 终点的坐标;[经度,纬度];例:[116.72,40.18]
* @return d 返回距离
function getDistance(p1, p2) {
var rlat1 = p1[1] * Math.PI / 180.0;
var rlat2 = p2[1] * Math.PI / 180.0;
var a = rlat1 - rlat2;
var b = p1[0] * Math.PI / 180.0 - p2[0] * Math.PI / 180.0;
var d = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.sin(a / 2), 2) + Math.cos(rlat1) * Math.cos(rlat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(b / 2), 2)));
d = d * 6378.137;
d = Math.round(d * 10000) / 10;
return d
1.2. Find the coordinates of the target point according to the known line segment and the distance to the starting point
Applicable scenarios: Positioning problems of closed pipe sections
* 根据已知线段以及到起点距离(单位:米),求目标点坐标
* @param line 线段;[[经度,纬度],[经度,纬度]];例:[[116.01,40.01],[116.52,40.01]]
* @param dis 到起点距离(米);Number;例:500
* @return point 返回坐标
function getLinePoint(line, dis) {
var p1 = line[0]
var p2 = line[1]
var d = getDistance(p1, p2) // 计算两经纬度点之间的距离(单位:米)
var dx = p2[0] - p1[0]
var dy = p2[1] - p1[1]
return [p1[0] + dx * (dis / d), p1[1] + dy * (dis / d)]
1.3. Knowing points and line segments, find the vertical foot
The foot may be on the line or on the extension line of the line.
Applicable scene: Seeking to hang down
* 已知点、线段,求垂足
* @param line 线段;[[经度,纬度],[经度,纬度]];例:[[116.01,40.01],[116.52,40.01]]
* @param p 点;[经度,纬度];例:[116.35,40.08]
* @return point 返回垂足坐标
function getFootPoint(line, p) {
var p1 = line[0]
var p2 = line[1]
var dx = p2[0] - p1[0];
var dy = p2[1] - p1[1];
var cross = dx * (p[0] - p1[0]) + dy * (p[1] - p1[1])
var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
var u = cross / d2
return [(p1[0] + u * dx), (p1[1] + u * dy)]
1.4. The point closest to the target point on the line segment
Different from the above method of finding the foot drop, the point obtained by this method must be on the line segment.
If the vertical foot is on a line segment, the nearest point is the vertical foot; if the vertical foot is on the extension line of the line segment, the nearest point is an end point of the line segment.
Applicable scenario: calculate the shortest distance from the point to the line segment according to the nearest point
* 线段上距离目标点最近的点
* @param line 线段;[[经度,纬度],[经度,纬度]];例:[[116.01,40.01],[116.52,40.01]]
* @param p 点;[经度,纬度];例:[116.35,40.08]
* @return point 最近的点坐标
function getShortestPointInLine(line, p) {
var p1 = line[0]
var p2 = line[1]
var dx = p2[0] - p1[0];
var dy = p2[1] - p1[1];
var cross = dx * (p[0] - p1[0]) + dy * (p[1] - p1[1])
if (cross <= 0) {
return p1
var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
if (cross >= d2) {
return p2
// 垂足
var u = cross / d2
return [(p1[0] + u * dx), (p1[1] + u * dy)]
1.5, point buffer
The buffer here belongs to the geodesic method. Since there is no strict projection conversion system, there is still a slight error with the standard geodesic buffer. However, after testing, the error can be basically ignored within the 100KM
For specific buffer types, see the previous article Do you really use the buffer buffer in PostGIS?
Applicable scene: draw a circle according to the point and radius
* 点缓冲
* @param center 中心点;[经度,纬度];例:[116.35,40.08]
* @param radius 半径(米);Number;例:5000
* @param vertices 返回圆面点的个数;默认64;Number;例:32
* @return coords 面的坐标
function bufferPoint(center, radius, vertices) {
if (!vertices) vertices = 64;
var coords = []
// 111319.55:在赤道上1经度差对应的距离,111133.33:在经线上1纬度差对应的距离
var distanceX = radius / (111319.55 * Math.cos(center[1] * Math.PI / 180));
var distanceY = radius / 111133.33;
var theta, x, y;
for (var i = 0; i < vertices; i++) {
theta = (i / vertices) * (2 * Math.PI);
x = distanceX * Math.cos(theta);
y = distanceY * Math.sin(theta);
coords.push([center[0] + x, center[1] + y]);
return [coords]
1.6, point and surface relationship
This method is realized by the idea of ray method. (For understanding of ray method, please refer to:
The case of ring-shaped polygons has been considered here.
Applicable scenario: Determine whether the point is in the plane
* 点和面关系
* @param point 点;[经度,纬度];例:[116.353455, 40.080173]
* @param polygon 面;geojson格式中的coordinates;例:[[[116.1,39.5],[116.1,40.5],[116.9,40.5],[116.9,39.5]],[[116.3,39.7],[116.3,40.3],[116.7,40.3],[116.7,39.7]]]
* @return inside 点和面关系;0:多边形外,1:多边形内,2:多边形边上
function pointInPolygon(point, polygon) {
var isInNum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) {
var inside = pointInRing(point, polygon[i])
if (inside === 2) {
return 2;
} else if (inside === 1) {
if (isInNum % 2 == 0) {
return 0;
} else if (isInNum % 2 == 1) {
return 1;
* 点和面关系
* @param point 点
* @param ring 单个闭合面的坐标
* @return inside 点和面关系;0:多边形外,1:多边形内,2:多边形边上
function pointInRing(point, ring) {
var inside = false,
x = point[0],
y = point[1],
intersects, i, j;
for (i = 0, j = ring.length - 1; i < ring.length; j = i++) {
var xi = ring[i][0],
yi = ring[i][1],
xj = ring[j][0],
yj = ring[j][1];
if (xi == xj && yi == yj) {
// 判断点与线段的相对位置,0为在线段上,>0 点在左侧,<0 点在右侧
if (isLeft(point, [ring[i], ring[j]]) === 0) {
return 2; // 点在多边形边上
} else {
if ((yi > y) !== (yj > y)) { // 垂直方向目标点在yi、yj之间
// 求目标点在当前线段上的x坐标。 由于JS小数运算后会转换为精确15位的float,因此需要去一下精度
var xx = Number(((xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi) + xi).toFixed(10))
if (x <= xx) { // 目标点水平射线与当前线段有交点
inside = !inside;
return Number(inside);
* 判断点与线段的相对位置
* @param point 目标点
* @param line 线段
* @return isLeft,点与线段的相对位置,0为在线段上,>0 p在左侧,<0 p在右侧
function isLeft(point, line) {
var isLeft = ((line[0][0] - point[0]) * (line[1][1] - point[1]) - (line[1][0] - point[0]) * (line[0][1] - point[1]))
// 由于JS小数运算后会转换为精确15位的float,因此需要去一下精度
return Number(isLeft.toFixed(10))
1.7. The relationship between line segments and line segments
Applicable scenario: Determine the relationship between the line and the line
* 线段与线段的关系
* @param line1 线段;[[经度,纬度],[经度,纬度]];例:[[116.01,40.01],[116.52,40.01]]
* @param line2 线段;[[经度,纬度],[经度,纬度]];例:[[116.33,40.21],[116.36,39.76]]
* @return intersect 线段与线段的关系;0:相离,1:相交,2:相切
function intersectLineAndLine(line1, line2) {
var x1 = line1[0][0],
y1 = line1[0][1],
x2 = line1[1][0],
y2 = line1[1][1],
x3 = line2[0][0],
y3 = line2[0][1],
x4 = line2[1][0],
y4 = line2[1][1]
if (!(Math.min(x1, x2) <= Math.max(x3, x4) && Math.min(y3, y4) <= Math.max(y1, y2) &&
Math.min(x3, x4) <= Math.max(x1, x2) && Math.min(y1, y2) <= Math.max(y3, y4))) {
return 0
// 判断点与线段的相对位置,0为在线段上,>0 点在左侧,<0 点在右侧
if (isLeft(line1[0], line2) === 0 || isLeft(line1[1], line2) === 0) {
return 2
//也就是说a b两点在线段cd的两端,c d两点在线段ab的两端
var kuaili1 = ((x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1) - (x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1)) * ((x4 - x1) * (y2 - y1) - (x2 - x1) * (y4 - y1))
var kuaili2 = ((x1 - x3) * (y4 - y3) - (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3)) * ((x2 - x3) * (y4 - y3) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y3))
return Number(Number(kuaili1.toFixed(10)) <= 0 && Number(kuaili2.toFixed(10)) <= 0)
1.8, line and surface relationship
Applicable scenario: Determine the relationship between the line and the surface
This method takes into account the situation of ring-shaped polygons, and divides the tangency into internal and external tangents.
Reference link:
* 线和面关系
* @param line 线段;[[经度,纬度],[经度,纬度]];例:[[116.01,40.01],[116.52,40.01]]
* @param polygon 面;geojson格式中的coordinates;例:[[[116.1,39.5],[116.1,40.5],[116.9,40.5],[116.9,39.5]],[[116.3,39.7],[116.3,40.3],[116.7,40.3],[116.7,39.7]]]
* @return intersect 线和面关系;0:相离,1:相交,2:包含,3:内切,4:外切
function intersectLineAndPolygon(line, polygon) {
var isTangent = false
var isInNum = 0
var intersect = 0
for (var i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) {
// 线和面关系;0:相离,1:相交,2:包含,3:内切,4:外切
intersect = intersectLineAndRing(line, polygon[i])
if (intersect === 1) {
return 1
} else if (intersect === 2) {
} else if (intersect === 3) {
isTangent = true
} else if (intersect === 4) {
isTangent = true
if (isInNum % 2 == 0) {
if (isTangent) {
return 4 // 外切
} else {
return 0 // 相离
} else if (isInNum % 2 == 1) {
if (isTangent) {
return 3 // 内切
} else {
return 2 // 包含
* 线和面关系
* @param line 线段
* @param ring 单面
* @return intersect 线和面关系;0:相离,1:相交,2:包含,3:内切,4:外切
function intersectLineAndRing(line, ring) {
var inserset = 0
var isTangent = false
var inserset1 = pointInRing(line[0], ring) // 点和面关系;0:多边形外,1:多边形内,2:多边形边上
var inserset2 = pointInRing(line[1], ring) // 点和面关系;0:多边形外,1:多边形内,2:多边形边上
if (inserset1 === inserset2 === 0) {
inserset = 0
} else if ((inserset1 * inserset2) === 1) {
inserset = 2
} else if ((inserset1 * inserset2) === 2) {
inserset = 3
} else if ((inserset1 === 2 || inserset2 === 2) && (inserset1 === 0 || inserset2 === 0)) {
inserset = 4
} else if ((inserset1 === 1 || inserset2 === 1) && (inserset1 === 0 || inserset2 === 0)) {
return 1 // 相交
for (var i = 0, j = ring.length - 1; i < ring.length; j = i++) {
var line2 = [ring[j], ring[i]]
// 目标线段与当前线段的关系;0:相离,1:相交,2:相切
var intersectLine = intersectLineAndLine(line, line2)
if (intersectLine == 1) {
return 1 // 相交
return inserset
1.9, geojson surface to line
Applicable scenario: only geojson
surface data to obtain the boundary of the line
* 面转线
* @param geojson 面geojson
* @return geojson 线geojson
function convertPolygonToPolyline(polygonGeoJson) {
var polylineGeoJson = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(polygonGeoJson))
for (var i = 0; i < polylineGeoJson.features.length; i++) {
var MultiLineString = []
if (polylineGeoJson.features[i].geometry.type === 'Polygon') {
var Polygon = polylineGeoJson.features[i].geometry.coordinates
Polygon.forEach(LinearRing => {
var LineString = LinearRing
} else if (polylineGeoJson.features[i].geometry.type === 'MultiPolygon') {
var MultiPolygon = polylineGeoJson.features[i].geometry.coordinates
MultiPolygon.forEach(Polygon => {
Polygon.forEach(LinearRing => {
var LineString = LinearRing
} else {
return null
polylineGeoJson.features[i].geometry.type = 'MultiLineString' //面转线
polylineGeoJson.features[i].geometry.coordinates = MultiLineString
return polylineGeoJson
2. Online example
Online example:
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