Introduction to Smart fishery is here!

There is an Alibaba Cloud engineer who "fishing" at work every day.

In the Zhoushan International Aquatic City, Alibaba Cloud IoT engineer Hongyi "fishing" with fishers, fish farmers, fish sellers and fishermen every day. Hongyi understands that there are many fisheries practitioners in Zhoushan, but each link is very scattered. Fishing, transportation, and marketing are independent of each other, and it is difficult to produce a clustering effect.

Based on the information obtained from these "fishing", Fortune Group cooperated with the technical product team of Alibaba Cloud IoT to build a service platform for the agriculture and fisheries industry for the Zhoushan International Aquatic City, linking all resources, consulting and high-quality capital in the agriculture and fisheries industry chain , Provide one-stop information services for fishermen and farmers, and digitize the entire industry chain. Convenient services ranging from information and expert consultation to brand traceability, fishing boat trading, and online seafood sales can be enjoyed by fishermen and other fishery practitioners on the platform. Fishermen unloading at the wharf can realize automated unloading statistics through IoT devices and AI intelligent algorithms, without the need for labor costs.

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