About In order to finally jointly build a global de facto standard, the ASM product of Alibaba Cloud Service Grid chose to use the open source Istio as the basis for capability enhancement and productization. Istio has made a good conceptual abstraction for the future of microservice governance and is powerful. It also brings usability problems because of its powerful functions. Users operating and maintaining service grids through YAML files not only have high technical barriers, but are also prone to errors. For this purpose, we will open this live broadcast to share the work progress and thinking behind ASM's product ease of use in the past few months.
1. Live broadcast theme
"Practice and Thoughts on Improving the Usability of Service Grid ASM Products"
2. Live time
September 26 16:00-17:00
3. Live guest
Alibaba Cloud Senior Technical Expert, Li Yun (zhijian)
4. Introduction to live broadcast
In order to finally jointly build a global de facto standard, the ASM product of Alibaba Cloud Service Grid chose to use the open source Istio as the basis for capability enhancement and productization. Istio has made a good conceptual abstraction for the future of microservice governance and is powerful. It also brings usability problems because of its powerful functions.
Users operating and maintaining service grids through YAML files not only have high technical barriers, but are also prone to errors. This live broadcast will share ASM's work progress and thinking behind the ease of use of products in the past few months.
Five, make an appointment now
Click the link ( https://live.bilibili.com/23021247 161556e8abad5b ), or scan the poster QR code to follow the live broadcast room of
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