Several postures for parameter transfer of SpringBoot series Mybatis
In the daily development of mybatis, how do the parameters defined in the mapper interface map with the parameters in xml? Except for our usual @Param
annotation, what are the other methods?
- What happens to the default scene without annotations?
- What should I do if the interface parameter type is Map/POJO?
This article will mainly introduce several mapping binding methods between the parameters defined in the mapper interface and the placeholders in xml in the daily development of mybatis
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I. Environment configuration
We use SpringBoot + Mybatis + MySql to build an example demo
- springboot: 2.2.0.RELEASE
- mysql: 5.7.22
1. Project configuration
The core dependency is mybatis-spring-boot-starter
. As for the version selection, go to the mvn repository and find the latest
Another inaccessible is the db configuration information, appliaction.yml
url: jdbc:mysql://
username: root
2. Database tables
Database for testing
CREATE TABLE `money` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '用户名',
`money` int(26) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '钱',
`is_deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
KEY `name` (`name`)
II. Parameter Passing
Next, let's take a look at the several postures of the parameter mapping in the Mapper interface and the parameter in the xml file; about the construction of the mybatis project, skip it here, the key information is as follows
Database entity object
public class MoneyPo {
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Long money;
private Integer isDeleted;
private Timestamp createAt;
private Timestamp updateAt;
private Integer cnt;
mapper interface
public interface MoneyMapper {
xml file, in the resource folder, the directory level is exactly the same as the package path of the mapper interface (following the default Mapper interface and xml file binding relationship, see SpringBoot series Mybatis Mapper interface and Sql binding several postures )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="com.git.hui.boot.mybatis.mapper.MoneyMapper">
<resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.git.hui.boot.mybatis.entity.MoneyPo">
<id column="id" property="id" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
<result column="name" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
<result column="money" property="money" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
<result column="is_deleted" property="isDeleted" jdbcType="TINYINT"/>
<result column="create_at" property="createAt" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP"/>
<result column="update_at" property="updateAt" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP"/>
<sql id="money_po">
id, name, money, is_deleted, create_at, update_at
1. @Param annotation
annotation to the interface parameter, and specify the parameter name passed to xml internally
A simple case is as follows
int addMoney(@Param("id") int id, @Param("money") int money);
Focus on the above parameters
- Pass
to specify the parameter name when passed to xml
The sql in the corresponding xml file is as follows, use #{}
to realize parameter binding
<update id="addMoney" parameterType="java.util.Map">
update money set money=money+#{money} where id=#{id}
2. Single parameter
Next, let's take a look at @Param
annotation is not used in the default scenario; because the actual results of a single parameter and multiple parameters are inconsistent, here is a separate description
In the single parameter scenario, the parameter name in xml can be indicated by any value
The mapper interface is defined as follows
* 单个参数时,默认可以直接通过参数名来表示,实际上#{}中用任意一个值都可以,没有任何限制,都表示的是这个唯一的参数
* @param id
* @return
MoneyPo findById(int id);
* 演示xml中的 #{} 为一个匹配补上的字符串,也可以正确的实现参数替换
* @param id
* @return
MoneyPo findByIdV2(int id);
The corresponding xml file content is as follows
<select id="findById" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
<include refid="money_po"/>
from money where id=#{id}
<select id="findByIdV2" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
<include refid="money_po"/>
from money where id=#{dd}
Focus on the above findByIdV2
, the above sql parameter used is #{dd}
, which is not the same as the parameter name in the mapper interface, but the final result is no different
3. Multiple parameters
When the number of parameters exceeds 1, there are two ways for the parameters in #{}
- param1...N: where n represents the number of parameters in the interface
- arg0...N
* 不指定参数名时,mybatis自动封装一个 param1 ... paramN的Map,其中n表示第n个参数
* 也可以使用 arg0...n 来指代具体的参数
* @param name
* @param money
* @return
List<MoneyPo> findByNameAndMoney(String name, Integer money);
The corresponding xml is as follows
<select id="findByNameAndMoney" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
<include refid="money_po"/>
-- from money where name=#{param1} and money=#{param2}
from money where name=#{arg0} and money=#{arg1}
Note that in the above xml, two kinds of parameter transfer are possible, of course, it is not recommended to use this default method to transfer parameters, because it is very unintuitive and very inelegant for subsequent maintenance
3. Map parameter transfer
If the parameter type is not a simple type, at the time of the Map type, the parameter in the xml file can be directly referred to by the corresponding key in the map
* 参数类型为map时,直接使用key即可
* @param map
* @return
List<MoneyPo> findByMap(Map<String, Object> map);
The corresponding xml is as follows
<select id="findByMap" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
<include refid="money_po"/>
from money
<trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND | OR">
<if test="id != null">
id = #{id}
<if test="name != null">
AND name=#{name}
<if test="money != null">
AND money=#{money}
4. POJO Object
Another common case is to pass parameters as simple entity objects. At this time, the parameters in xml can also be directly referred to by the fieldName of the object, which is similar to the use of map.
* 参数类型为java对象,同样直接使用field name即可
* @param po
* @return
List<MoneyPo> findByPo(MoneyPo po);
The corresponding xml file is as follows
<select id="findByPo" parameterType="com.git.hui.boot.mybatis.entity.MoneyPo" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
<include refid="money_po"/>
from money
<trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND | OR">
<if test="id != null">
id = #{id}
<if test="name != null">
AND name=#{name}
<if test="money != null">
AND money=#{money}
5. Simple parameters + Map parameters
When there are multiple parameters, some of which are simple types and some are Maps, how to deal with the parameters in such a scenario?
- Simple types follow the rules above
- To pass parameters of the map parameter, use the prefix + "." + key
An example is as follows
List<MoneyPo> findByIdOrCondition(@Param("id") int id, @Param("map") Map<String, Object> map);
List<MoneyPo> findByIdOrConditionV2(int id, Map<String, Object> map);
The corresponding xml is as follows
<select id="findByIdOrCondition" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select <include refid="money_po"/> from money where id = #{id} or `name`=#{}
<select id="findByIdOrConditionV2" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select <include refid="money_po"/> from money where id = #{param1} or `name`=#{}
6. Summary
This article mainly introduces several postures in mybatis:
- In the default scenario, when there is a single parameter, any name can be used instead of the parameter in the xml file
- In the default scenario, when there are multiple parameters, the first parameter can be represented by param1 or arg0, and the second parameter can be param2 or arg1. . .
- When it is a single parameter and a map, you can directly use the key of the map as a parameter
- Single parameter, when pojo object, the fieldName of the object is used to represent the parameter passing
- The value defined in the @Param annotation indicates that this parameter is associated with the placeholder mapping in xml
- In a multi-parameter scenario, when a simple object + map/pojo is used, the parameter occupancy in map/pojo can be
by way of 0614f2b6fe09a6
The last question is, how does mybatis associate the parameters in the mapper interface with the placeholders in the xml?
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III. Source code and related knowledge points not to be missed
0. Project
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- Source code:
series of blog posts
- [DB Series] The basic use posture of CURD in Mybatis series of tutorials
- [DB series] Mybatis series of tutorials CURD basic use posture-notes
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