The last article LeetCode skills you don't know (the first article) describes three JS brushing skills. Today, I will share some general Leetcode tips, which can be used no matter what language you use.

tip1-Chinese and English switch

Due to translation reasons, some of the title descriptions of China will become difficult to understand, and even 1614f47900db1a translation errors may lead to changes in the meaning of the title .

At this time, it is recommended that you use switch the language function to convert it into English.

The following is the Chinese title description:

Next, you can click the icon below to switch languages.

This is just to switch the language of a single topic. If you want to switch the language of the entire website, you can click this button on the top right side of Likou China.

tip2-Shortcut keys

Using shortcut keys can significantly improve efficiency, and the same is true for swiping buttons.

The following are the two shortcut keys I use frequently, and I strongly recommend using them.

  • Submit code: cmd + enter
  • Execution code (test): cmd + `

At present, Likou Editor provides eight shortcut key bindings. For more shortcut keys, please refer to Likou’s prompts. As follows:

In addition, if you are on windows, the above shortcut keys will definitely not take effect, then you can check the document in the above way to learn about the specific shortcut key bindings.

tip3-limited time to write questions

I mentioned it before: recommended that you set a time limit for your own questions, . The following methods can be used:

  • Likou Mock Interview
  • Weekly Contest

You can click this to set a time limit for yourself when doing the question.

It is worth noting that the default limit time is 30 minutes. suggest that you gradually shorten the time and achieve within 15 minutes. If possible, challenge five minutes and .

tip4-Online interview

If you are an interviewer, you can also use Likou directly to ask questions. Many functions in Likou can be used.

You can add the original questions freely, of course, you can also make your own questions.

What's more interesting is that front-end questions can be asked 😹. In fact, the front-end question is something similar to stackblitz. I have to say that if you are a front-end interviewer, this online interview function can be said to be very comprehensive.

In addition, it also supports common interview functions such as text chat, voice, video, and online evaluation.

It's simple to apply. You can create 10 interviews for free in a month, and each interview can't exceed three hours. Generally speaking, it is quite convenient.

tip5-Rewriting questions plug-in

I made a leetcode-cheatsheet plug-in, which expands the functions of the Leetcode platform.

for example:

  • One-click solution

  • Copy all built-in test cases with one click

  • Data structure visualization

  • Complexity comparison table, the algorithm complexity of guessing the answer directly based on the data size

There are too many functions to introduce them one by one.

For more functions and if you get the plug-in you can refer to the article I wrote before: Power button brushing plug-in


The article was written on August 17, 2021. If the follow-up buckle is revised, the corresponding functions may change. If the follow-up Lidou releases new functions, Lidou Plus will also synchronize with everyone as soon as possible. just released the app, I participated in the internal beta and brought you this article 1614f47900e1de. The new version of the Likou APP, with epic enhancements! .

This article introduces you to five techniques for resolving questions in Likou China:

  1. Use the Chinese-English switching function to prevent yourself from being unable to understand the title description due to translation problems.
  2. Use shortcut keys to provide your own efficiency, especially the two functions of execution and submission.
  3. Set a limited time to write questions, creating a sense of tension in the interview.
  4. If you are an interviewer, you might as well try the online interview function of Lizou.
  5. If you brush Likou, I strongly recommend the Likou question plug-in developed by me. More features are waiting for you to mention.

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