
Our company uses jenkins+sonar continuous integration to check code quality. Recently, the architecture group has added a lot of code scanning rules, which caused many back-end services or unseparated front-end and back-end projects CI fail. It will take some time to modify sonar , Affecting the test progress, in order to temporarily deal with this problem, we can temporarily comment out the stage script of the sonar test.

Skip sonar detection

One, interrupt CI

First select CI , after starting CI , click “X” the CI process



2. Comment out the stage script for quality verification


Enter "Playback", comment out the "Quality Access Control" stage script, and then click "Run" at the bottom to restart CI

playback ( replay ) : In order to avoid repeatedly opening the configuration interface to adjust the Pipeline script, Jenkins intimately provides the Replay function. Open any execution history and click the Replay Pipeline script that was executed during the execution, regardless of whether the source of the script is the task itself or a remote warehouse



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