Introduction to Cloud IoT helps Tianjin to accelerate the digitalization process
On September 14, the Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Internet of Things Solution Publicity Conference and Tianjin Dongli Airport Economic Zone-Zhejiang Small and Medium Enterprises Association Economic and Trade Cooperation and Exchange Symposium was held in Hangzhou.
The conference focused on the industrial development trend of Tianjin Dongli Airport Economic Zone, and invited more than 60 people including government leaders and leaders in various industries. The number of participating companies was 20+. From the perspectives of policy interpretation, practical application, etc., it provides Tianjin Dongli Airport Economy The follow-up cooperation direction for the high-quality development of the digital economy in the district and the application of smart IoT solutions were discussed.
Dr. Fanguang Meng from the Alibaba Cloud Intelligent IoT Business Unit elaborated on the Alibaba Cloud IoT industry ecology and smart IoT solutions from four perspectives: industrial background, establishment concept, construction plan, and cooperation model. He said: The smart application of the Airport Economic Zone revolves around the four aspects of emerging industry carriers, innovation and entrepreneurship world, talent training center, and public service center. Software, hardware, systems, platforms, experts and other technical advantages and human resources, and joint operation partners to jointly build an Alibaba Cloud intelligent IoT ecosystem partner enterprise cluster area.
It is reported that Alibaba Cloud IoT, as the new main track of Alibaba Group following e-commerce, finance, logistics, and cloud computing, will also provide enterprises with multiple dimensions including industry, model, capital, management, technology, market, and space in the future. The service platform supports, promotes the development of digital transformation of the industry, and builds application scenarios and a better world for the Internet of Everything.
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