Introduction to early 2020, the new crown pneumonia epidemic spread rapidly around the world. The sudden epidemic forced most companies to suspend work and production. Companies are exploring and practicing various new office methods. The demand for remote office and home office and the market scale show Explosive growth has become the consensus of enterprises and a global trend.

Direct best practice: [ computer home office best practice (AD domain account) ]
Best Practice Channel: [ Best Practice Channel ]
There are a wealth of best practices for enterprise cloud migration. Starting from typical scenarios, we provide a series of project practice solutions to lower the threshold for enterprise cloud migration while meeting your needs!

Scene description

Although remote office is not limited to office locations and networks to ensure that employees can work anytime and anywhere, the traditional IT architecture of enterprises cannot meet the needs of large-scale remote mobile office. The network access method of enterprise information system is single. It does not have the conditions to support many people's telecommuting; the security management challenges of telecommuting are increasing. Therefore, the equipment management, remote access and security strategy of telecommuting have become urgent problems for enterprise managers and IT departments to solve.

Solution advantage

  • Flexible expansion, according to business scale changes, purchase services on demand.
  • Simplify operation and maintenance, delivery of service forms, simple operation and maintenance, and improve service efficiency.
  • Convenient access, access anytime, anywhere, easily respond to various situations such as epidemics, natural disasters, and ensure business continuity.
  • Application ecology, the application market provides various application services for enterprises, and can also manage the enterprise's own licenses and allocate them on demand.
  • Improve asset efficiency without the need to purchase a large number of servers, data center construction and maintenance costs at one time, and invest valuable resources in core competence areas.

Product architecture


Direct-to-best practice"

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