

RTSP is an Internet protocol specification and an application-level protocol-level network communication system in the TCP/IP protocol system. Designed for use in entertainment (such as audio and video) and communication systems to control streaming media servers. This protocol is used to establish and control media sessions between endpoints. The client of the media server issues VHS-style commands, such as PLAY, PAUSE, SETUP, DESCRIBE, RECORD, etc. To facilitate real-time control of the media flow from the server to the client or from the client to the server.

RTSP transmission process

  • When a user or application tries to stream video from a remote source, the client device sends an RTSP request to the server to determine the available options, such as PLAY, PAUSE, SETUP. . .
  • The server then returns a list of request types that it can accept via RTSP.
  • After the client knows how to make the request, it sends the media description request to the streaming server.
  • The server responds with the media description.
  • The client sends a setting request from there, and the server responds with information about the transmission mechanism.
  • After the setup process is complete, the client will start the streaming process by telling the server to send a bit stream (binary sequence) using the transfer mechanism specified in the setup request.

Client -> Server: DESCRIBE

Server -> Client: 200 OK (SDP)

Client -> Server: SETUP

Server -> Client: 200 OK

Client -> Server: PAUSE


Packet capture is indispensable for protocol analysis and learning. Take a screenshot of RTSP protocol packet capture:


Why is the RTS protocol so important?

  • RTSP was originally a method that allowed users to play audio and video directly from the Internet without downloading media files to their devices. The protocol has been used for a variety of purposes, including Internet camera sites, online education, and Internet broadcasting.
  • RTSP uses the same concepts as basic HTTP, to a large extent for compatibility with existing Web infrastructure. Because of this, most HTTP extension mechanisms can be directly introduced into RTSP.
  • The RTSP protocol also has great flexibility. Clients can request the functions they want to use to find out if the media server supports them. Likewise, anyone who owns the media can stream media from multiple servers. The agreement also aims to adapt to the future development of the media so that media creators can modify the agreement if necessary.

RTSP protocol command

Although RTSP is similar to HTTP in some respects, it defines control sequences that can be used to control multimedia playback. Although HTTP is stateless, RTSP has state.

Use identifiers when you need to track concurrent sessions. Like HTTP, RTSP uses TCP to maintain end-to-end connections, and the port number is 554.

Although most RTSP control messages are sent from the client to the server, some commands are sent in the other direction (that is, from the server to the client).

Let's introduce the basic RTSP request below:


The SETUP request specifies how a single media stream must be transmitted. This must be done before sending the PLAY request.


The request contains the media stream URL and transfer specifier.


This specifier usually includes a local port for receiving RTP data (audio or video) and another for RTCP data (metainformation).


The server reply usually confirms the selected parameters and fills in the missing parts, such as the selected port of the server. You must use SETUP to configure each media stream before you can send aggregate playback requests.


The PLAY request will cause one or all media streams to be played. You can stack playback requests by sending multiple PLAY requests. The URL can be an aggregate URL (to play all media streams) or a single media stream URL (to play only the stream).


You can specify the range. If the range is not specified, play from the beginning and play to the end, or, if the stream has been paused, resume playback at the point where it was paused.



A PAUSE request temporarily suspends one or all media streams, so it can be resumed later through a PLAY request. The request contains the aggregate or media stream URL.


The range parameter on the PAUSE request specifies when to pause. If the range parameter is omitted, the pause will immediately occur indefinitely.


This method starts recording a series of media data according to the demonstration instructions. The timestamp reflects the start time and end time (UTC). If no time range is given, please use the start time or end time provided in the presentation description.

If the session has already started, start recording immediately. The server decides whether to store the recorded data under the request URL or other URI.


If the server is not using the request URI, the response should be 201 and include entity and location headers describing the status of the request and referencing the new resource.


When sent from the client to the server, ANNOUNCE publishes the description of the presentation or media object identified by the request URL to the server. ANNOUNCE will update the session description in real time.


If a new media stream is added to the presentation (for example, in a live presentation), the entire presentation description should be sent again, not just the other components, so that these components can be removed.


The TEARDOWN request is used to terminate the session. It stops all media streams and releases all session-related data on the server.



The GET_PARAMETER request retrieves the parameter value of the representation or stream specified in the URI. The content of the reply and response is left to the implementation.



This method requires parameter values to be set for the representation or flow specified by the URI.


Wireshark RTSP protocol analysis implementation

After having a general understanding of the use of the RTSP protocol, let's analyze and implement the RTSP protocol.

#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <netinet/udp.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/ip6.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#include <pcap.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

/*RTSP 端口*/
#define RTSP_TCP_PORT_RANGE      554 

typedef enum {
} rtsp_type_t;

static const char *rtsp_methods[] = {

/* 用于RTSP统计  */
struct rtsp_info_value_t {
  char  *request_method;
  unsigned long int  response_code;

#define STRLEN_CONST(str)   (sizeof (str) - 1)

static const char rtsp_content_type[]      = "Content-Type:";
static const char rtsp_transport[]         = "Transport:";
static const char rtsp_sps_server_port[]   = "server_port=";
static const char rtsp_cps_server_port[]   = "client_port=";
static const char rtsp_sps_dest_addr[]     = "dest_addr=";
static const char rtsp_cps_src_addr[]      = "src_addr=";
static const char rtsp_rtp_udp_default[]   = "rtp/avp";
static const char rtsp_rtp_udp[]           = "rtp/avp/udp";
static const char rtsp_rtp_tcp[]           = "rtp/avp/tcp";
static const char rtsp_rdt_feature_level[] = "RDTFeatureLevel";
static const char rtsp_real_rdt[]          = "x-real-rdt/";
static const char rtsp_real_tng[]          = "x-pn-tng/"; /* synonym for x-real-rdt */
static const char rtsp_inter[]             = "interleaved=";
static const char rtsp_content_length[] = "Content-Length:";

static void rtsp_create_conversation(u_char *line_begin, size_t line_len,rtsp_type_t rtsp_type_packet)
    char    buf[256];
    char   *tmp;
    bool  rtp_udp_transport = false;
    bool  rtp_tcp_transport = false;
    bool  rdt_transport = false;
    //bool  is_video      = false; /* 是否需要显示视频  */
  unsigned int     c_data_port, c_mon_port;
    unsigned int     s_data_port, s_mon_port;
  unsigned int     ipv4_1, ipv4_2, ipv4_3, ipv4_4;

    if (rtsp_type_packet != RTSP_REPLY) {

    /* 将行复制到buf */
    if (line_len > sizeof(buf) - 1)
        /* 避免溢出缓冲区。 */
        line_len = sizeof(buf) - 1;

    memcpy(buf, line_begin, line_len);
    buf[line_len] = '\0';
    /* Get past "Transport:" and spaces */
    tmp = buf + STRLEN_CONST(rtsp_transport);
  //printf("tmp %s\n",tmp);
    while (*tmp && isspace(*tmp))

  if ((tmp = strstr(buf, rtsp_cps_src_addr))) 

        tmp += strlen(rtsp_cps_src_addr);
    //printf("tmp ======  %s\n",tmp);
        if (sscanf(tmp, "\"%u.%u.%u.%u:%u\"", &ipv4_1, &ipv4_2, &ipv4_3, &ipv4_4, &c_data_port) == 5) 
            char *tmp2;
            char *tmp3;
      //printf("ipv4_1 %d\n",ipv4_1);
      //printf("ipv4_2 %d\n",ipv4_2);
      //printf("ipv4_3 %d\n",ipv4_3);
      //printf("ipv4_4 %d\n",ipv4_4);
      printf("c_data_port %d\n",c_data_port);
            //Skip leading  
      printf("src_addr  %s\n",tmp3);
  if ((tmp = strstr(buf, rtsp_sps_dest_addr))) 
        tmp += strlen(rtsp_sps_dest_addr);
        if (sscanf(tmp, "\":%u\"", &s_data_port) == 1) 
            /* :9 mean ignore */
            if (s_data_port == 9) {
                s_data_port = 0;
      printf("s_data_port %d\n",s_data_port);
    if ((tmp = strstr(buf, rtsp_sps_server_port))) {
        tmp += strlen(rtsp_sps_server_port);
        if (sscanf(tmp, "%u", &s_mon_port) == 1) {
            printf("s_mon_port %d\n",s_mon_port);

static bool is_rtsp_request_or_reply( unsigned char *line, int offset, rtsp_type_t *type)
    unsigned int   ii = 0;
  char *data = reinterpret_cast<char *>(line);
    int           tokenlen;
    char         response_chars[4];
  struct rtsp_info_value_t rtsp_info;
  char *token, *next_token;
    /*这是RTSP的回复 ?  */
    if ( strncasecmp("RTSP/", data, 5) == 0) {
         * Yes.
        *type = RTSP_REPLY;
    /* 第一个标记是版本。  */
    offset += 9;
    memcpy(response_chars, data + offset, 3);
    response_chars[3] = '\0';
    rtsp_info.response_code = strtoul(response_chars, NULL, 10);
    //printf("rtsp_info.response_code %d\n",rtsp_info.response_code);
        return true;

    for (ii = 0; ii < sizeof rtsp_methods / sizeof rtsp_methods[0]; ii++) {
        size_t len = strlen(rtsp_methods[ii]);
        if (strncasecmp(rtsp_methods[ii], data, len) == 0 &&(isspace(data[len])))
            *type = RTSP_REQUEST;
            rtsp_info.request_method = strndupa(rtsp_methods[ii], len+1);
      //printf("request_method: %s\n",rtsp_info.request_method);

            return true;

    /* 既不是请求也不是回应 */
    *type = RTSP_NOT_FIRST_LINE;
    return false;

/* 阅读回复消息的第一行  */
static void process_rtsp_reply(u_char *rtsp_data, int offset,rtsp_type_t rtsp_type_packet)
  char *lineend  = reinterpret_cast<char *>(rtsp_data + offset);
    char *status   = reinterpret_cast<char *>(rtsp_data );
    char *status_start;
    unsigned int         status_i;

    /* status code */

    /* Skip protocol/version */
    while (status < lineend && !isspace(*status))
    /* Skip spaces */
    while (status < lineend && isspace(*status))

    /* Actual code number now */
    status_start = status;
  //printf("status_start %s\n",status_start);
    status_i = 0;
    while (status < lineend && isdigit(*status))
        status_i = status_i * 10 + *status++ - '0';
  //printf("status_i %d\n",status_i);
  offset += strlen(lineend);


static void process_rtsp_request(u_char *rtsp_data, int offset,rtsp_type_t rtsp_type_packet)
  char *lineend  = reinterpret_cast<char *>(rtsp_data + offset);
   // u_char *lineend  = rtsp_data + offset;
    unsigned int      ii = 0;
    char *url;
    char *url_start;
  char    buf[256];
  char   *tmp;
  int content_length = 0;
  char content_type[256];
    /* Request Methods */
    for (ii = 0; ii < sizeof rtsp_methods / sizeof rtsp_methods[0]; ii++) {
        size_t len = strlen(rtsp_methods[ii]);
        if (strncasecmp(rtsp_methods[ii], lineend, len) == 0 &&(isspace(lineend[len])))

  //printf("process_rtsp_request 0x%.2X,0x%.2X,0x%.2X,0x%.2X\n",lineend[0],lineend[1],lineend[2],lineend[3]);  
    /* URL */
    url = lineend;

    /* Skip method name again */
    while (url < lineend && !isspace(*url))
    /* Skip spaces */
    while (url < lineend && isspace(*url))
    /* URL starts here */
    url_start = url;
    /* Scan to end of URL */
    while (url < lineend && !isspace(*url))
  printf("111url %s\n",url);
  if ((tmp = strstr(url_start, rtsp_content_type))) 
        tmp += strlen(rtsp_content_type);
        if (sscanf(tmp, "%s", content_type) == 1) 
            //printf("content_type %s\n",content_type);
  if ((tmp = strstr(url_start, rtsp_content_length))) 
        tmp += strlen(rtsp_content_length);
        if (sscanf(tmp, "%u", &content_length) == 1) 
            //printf("content_length %d\n",content_length);

void dissect_rtsp(u_char *rtsp_data)
  int offset = 0;
  rtsp_type_t   rtsp_type_packet;
  bool      is_request_or_reply;
    u_char *linep, *lineend;
  u_char    c;
  //bool      is_header = false;
  is_request_or_reply = is_rtsp_request_or_reply(rtsp_data, offset, &rtsp_type_packet);
    if (is_request_or_reply)
    goto is_rtsp;



    case RTSP_REQUEST:

      process_rtsp_request(rtsp_data, offset,rtsp_type_packet);


    case RTSP_REPLY:

      process_rtsp_reply(rtsp_data, offset,rtsp_type_packet);

      /* Drop through, it may well be a header line */


static void dissect_rtsp_tcp(struct ip *pIp)
  int iHeadLen = pIp->ip_hl*4;
  int iPacketLen = ntohs(pIp->ip_len) - iHeadLen; 
  int offset = 0;
  int nFragSeq = 0;
  struct tcphdr *pTcpHdr = (struct tcphdr *)(((char  *)pIp) + iHeadLen);
  if (pIp->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP && (ntohs(pTcpHdr->dest) == RTSP_TCP_PORT_RANGE) 
  || (ntohs(pTcpHdr->source) == RTSP_TCP_PORT_RANGE) )/*仅处理TCP协议*/
    int iPayloadLen = iPacketLen - pTcpHdr->doff*4;
    //printf("TCP Payload Len %d\n",iPayloadLen);    
    u_char *RtspHdr = (u_char*)(pTcpHdr+1);
    if (RtspHdr == NULL)
    u_char *RtspData = RtspHdr + 12; /*skip OPtions */    
    //printf("NtpHdr 0x%.2X,0x%.2X,0x%.2X,0x%.2X\n",RtspData[0],RtspData[1],RtspData[2],RtspData[3]);    

Compile and run


RTSP is a text-based protocol that uses carriage return and line feed (\r\n) as the end of each line. The advantage is that it is convenient to add custom parameters during use, and it is also convenient for packet capture and analysis.

From the message transmission direction, there are two types of RTSP messages: request messages and response messages. The request message refers to the request sent from the client to the server, and the response message refers to the response from the server to the client.


RTSP provides controls such as PLAY, PAUSE, SETUP, etc. for streaming media, but it does not transmit data itself. The role of RTSP is equivalent to the remote control of a streaming media server.

The server can choose to use TCP or UDP to transmit streaming content, and its syntax and operation are similar to HTTP. For more analysis, please refer to the official RFC document, which is also the most authoritative document.

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