
1) Bit operator in C language:

&Bitwise andAll 1s get 1, and 0s get 0
IBitwise or1 is 1 and all 0s are 0
^Bitwise exclusive orSame as 0, different as 1
~Negate1 becomes 0, 0 becomes 1
<<Shift leftHigh bits are discarded, low bits are filled with 0
·>>Shift rightHigh bit complement sign bit, low bit discarded

2) Points to note when moving left and right:

  • left operand must be of integer type

    • Char and short are implicitly converted and then operated
  • right operand must be: [0,31], otherwise the result is undefined (different compilers process different results)
  • Left shift operator << shifts the binary bits of the equivalent to multiplying by the n power of 2, is more efficient
  • right shift operator>> shifts the binary bit of the equivalent to dividing by the n power of 2, is more efficient
  • Avoid mixed operations such as bitwise operators, logical operators, and mathematical operators. If this is necessary, use parentheses to indicate the order of calculation. ( single calculation shift ratio, according to logic three assignments)

3) Points to note in bit operation:

  • There is no short-circuit rule for bit operation, will participate in the operation
  • result of the bit operation is an integer, not 0 or 1
  • The priority of bit operation is higher than logic operation ( single arithmetic shift ratio is assigned by logic three)

4) Exchange the values of two integer variables:

  • Demo1: part and method: do not use intermediate variables, but there is an overflow problem

    #define SWAP(a, b) \
    {                  \
      a = a + b;       \
      b = a - b;       \
      a = a - b;       \
  • Demo2: bit operation method: XOR ( two identical values XOR result is 0, any number and 0 XOR is still itself)

    #define SWAP(a, b)    \
    {                     \
      a = a ^ b;          \
      b = a ^ b;          \
      a = a ^ b;          \

Anatomy of bitwise operators

The C language was originally designed to develop the UNIX operating system. The operating system runs on a hardware platform, which inevitably involves bit operations, and requires operations on the bits (0 and 1) of the hardware. The bit operation in C language directly maps to the bit operation in the hardware system.
The bit operator directly operates on the bit bit, and its is the most efficient.

1. Bitwise operators in C language

&Bitwise andAll 1s get 1, and 0s get 0
IBitwise or1 is 1 and all 0s are 0
^Bitwise exclusive orSame as 0, different as 1
~Negate1 becomes 0, 0 becomes 1
<<Shift leftHigh bits are discarded, low bits are filled with 0
·>>Shift rightHigh bit complement sign bit, low bit discarded

2. Points to note about shifting left and right

  • left operand must be of integer type

    • char and short are implicitly converted to int
  • right operand of 16167e38ecbc47 must be: [0,31], otherwise the result is undefined (different compilers handle different results)
  • Left shift operator << shifts the binary bits of the equivalent to multiplying by the n power of 2, is more efficient
  • right shift operator>> shifts the binary bit of the equivalent to dividing by the n power of 2, which is more efficient

    • Demo1
      d << 2;               // error, 左操作数必须是整型
      int x = 10 >> 1;      // ok,"右移等效除以2的n次方",输出5
      int y = -1 << 1;      // ok,"左移等效乘以2的n次方",输出-2
      int z = 3 << -1;      // -1不在[0,31]范围中,结果未定义,不同编译器不同处理
              // 编译器亦提示了错误:Possible overflow in shift operation
      // gcc 1,            左移-1相当于右移1,那就除以2,得到了1
      // bcc -2147483648,  int的最小值
      // vc 0,             本来就未定义,给你0把
  • Avoid mixed operations such as bitwise operators, logical operators, and mathematical operators. If this is necessary, use parentheses to indicate the order of calculation. ( single calculation shift ratio, according to logic three assignments)

    • Demo2
    0x1 << 2 + 3 输出多少?
    等价于 0x1 << (2 + 3),输出为32
    // 如果这行代码作者本意是先左移,再加法,实际执行结果就不是期望的
    // 所以在写代码时要尽量用括号()来表示清楚计算次序

3. Points of Attention in Bit Operation

  • There is no short-circuit rule for bit operations, will participate in the operation
  • The result of bit operation is an integer, not 0 or 1
  • The priority of bit operation is higher than logic operation ( single arithmetic shift ratio is assigned by logic three)

    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int k = 0;
    if(++i | ++j & ++k)        // 所有的运算数都会执行到,因此i j k判断后都为1

4. Simple example of bit operation application

Exchange the values of two integer variables

  • Demo1: part and method: do not use intermediate variables, but there is an overflow problem

    #define SWAP(a, b) \
    {                  \
      a = a + b;       \
      b = a - b;       \
      a = a - b;       \
  • Demo2: -bit arithmetic mode: use XOR ( two identical values XOR result is 0, any number and 0 XOR is still itself)

    #define SWAP(a, b)    \
    {                     \
      a = a ^ b;          \
      b = a ^ b;          \
      a = a ^ b;          \

This article is summarized from "C Language Advanced Course" by Tang Zuolin from "Ditai Software Academy".
If there are any errors or omissions, please correct me.

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