Write in front
It's the peak season for job hunting again at this time of year.
Before applying for a job, we will spend a lot of time on improving our technical level + preparing for the interview/interview, but we often overlook a rigorous and reliable resume that is the first step in finding a job. The first step for programmers to write resumes is to use various technical vocabulary rigorously and normatively.
If you usually take notes or write blogs, it’s okay. After all, you read a lot by yourself, but it’s best to pay attention when writing your resume!
Of course, some students will say whether this is too nitpicking, and does this have any essential impact on the actual entry job?
Hey, it seems okay to think about it, but it often gives people a less rigorous feeling when screening and reading resumes. Therefore, the specification is always good !
Therefore, this article sorts out commonly used vocabulary spelling notes when programmers write resumes for reference when necessary. At the end of the article, a PDF offline manual document + and the Markdown file has been synchronized to the GitHub open source warehouse. You can get it yourself if you need it.
Of course, the vocabulary listed here may be limited, everyone can brainstorm, welcome to add!
This article has been included in the GitHub open source warehouse "Road to Programming" https://github.com/rd2coding/Road2Coding self-learning routes for 6 major programming directions (posts) , Interview test sites , My resume , Several hardcore pdf notes , and My programmer life and feelings , welcome.
Back-end development related
Normative writing | Examples of inappropriate spelling | Remark |
RESTful | Restful、RestFul | REST=Representational State Transfer |
Spring | spring | |
Spring MVC | SpringMVC、Springmvc | There is a space in Spring MVC! |
Spring Boot | Springboot、SpringBoot | There is a space in Spring Boot! |
Spring Cloud | Springcloud、SpringCloud | There is a space in Spring Cloud! |
OOP | oop | Object Oriented Programming |
PO | po | Persistant Object |
POJO | pojo | Plain Ordinary Java Object |
Web | web、WEB | |
Java | JAVA、java | |
JVM | jvm、Jvm | Java Virtual Machine |
GC | gc | Garbage Collection |
Java EE | java ee | Enterprise Edition |
Java SE | java se | Standard Edition |
Golang | golang | |
Python | python | |
Linux | linux | |
Runtime | runtime | |
DNS | dns | Domain Name System |
DI | di | Dependency Injection |
DB | db | DataBase |
ACID | acid | Atomicity+Consistency+Isolation+Durability |
DDL | ddl | Data Definition Language |
DML | dml | Data Manipulation Language |
MySQL | mysql | |
SQLite | sqlite | |
SQLServer | sqlserver、SQLserver | |
NoSQL | nosql、NOSQL | NoSQL=Not Only SQL |
JDBC | Jdbc、jdbc | Java Database Connectivity |
ORM | orm | Object/Relational Mapping |
JPA | Jpa | Java Persistence API |
MyBatis | mybatis、Mybatis | |
MyBatis-Plus | MyBatisPlus myBatis-plus | |
Maven | maven、MAVEN | |
Redis | redis | |
MongoDB | mongoDB | |
MQ | mq | Message Queue |
RabbitMQ | rabbitMQ | |
RocketMQ | rocketMQ | |
ActiveMQ | activeMQ | |
Netty | netty | |
gRPC | grpc | |
Dubbo | dubbo | |
JSON | Json | JavaScript Object Notation |
JWT | jwt | JSON Web Token |
XML | Xml | Extensible Markup Language |
API | Api | Application Programming Interface |
Jenkins | jk、jenkins | |
Docker | docker | |
UML | Uml | Unified Modeling Language |
SOA | Soa | Service Oriented Architecture |
MVC | Mvc | Model–View–Controller |
MVVM | Mvvm | Model-View-ViewModel |
MVP | Mvp | Model-View-Presenter |
Continuously updating... | - | - |
Front-end development related
Normative writing | Examples of inappropriate spelling | Remark | |
HTTP | Http、http | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol | |
HTTPS | https、Https | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over SecureSocket Layer | |
DOM | dom | Document Object Model | |
JavaScript | javascript、Javascript、js、JS | ||
CSS | Css、css | Cascading Style Sheets | |
HTML | Html、html | Hyper Text Markup Language | |
jQuery | jquery、JQuery | ||
Bootstrap | bootstrap | ||
Node.js | node、NodeJS、nodejs | ||
Vue.js | vue、VUE、vue.js | ||
React | react | ||
Angular | angular | ||
SPA | spa | Single Page Application | |
MPA | mpa | Mutiple Page Application | |
Continuously updating... | - | - |
Client development related
Normative writing | Examples of inappropriate spelling | Remark |
App | APP、app | |
Objective-C | OC、oc | |
Xcode | xcode、XCODE、XCode | |
iPhone | iphone | |
iOS | ios、IOS | |
Android | android | |
RxJava | RXJava、rxjava | |
Android Studio | as、android studio | |
Continuously updating... | - | - |
Big data/cloud computing related
Normative writing | Examples of inappropriate spelling | Remark | |
Hadoop | hadoop | ||
HDFS | hdfs、Hdfs | Hadoop Distributed File System | |
MapReduce | mapreduce、mr | ||
HBase | hbase、Hbase | ||
Hive | hive | ||
Yarn | yarn | ||
Kafka | kafka | ||
ZooKeeper | zookeeper、zk | ||
Storm | storm | ||
Flink | flink | ||
Elasticsearch | elasticsearch、ElasticSearch、es | ||
Logstash | logstash | ||
Kibana | kibana | ||
Kubernetes | k8s | The official abbreviation is K8s | |
Continuously updating... | - | - |
Tool or software related
Normative writing | Examples of inappropriate spelling | Remark |
SVN | svn | Subversion |
Git | GIT、git | |
GitHub | github、Github | |
Intellij IDEA | intellij idea、idea | |
Eclipse | eclipse | |
MyEclipse | myeclipse | |
Postman | postman | |
Continuously updating... | - | - |
Due to limited time and energy, the technical vocabulary list compiled here is limited after all.
sorted out in this article has also been in the form of Markdown source files + PDF offline documents to the GitHub repository. The name of the GitHub repository is: " Awesome-Tech-Words "
The GitHub repository is: https://github.com/rd2coding/Awesome-Tech-Words
Everyone is welcome to brainstorm and participate in this open source warehouse, submit and supplement together.
This article has been included in the GitHub open source warehouse "Road to Programming" https://github.com/rd2coding/Road2Coding , which contains my 6 programming directions (posts) + knowledge points combing , Interview test sites , My resume , Hardcore pdf notes , and My programmer life and perception , part of the content is as follows ↓↓, welcome star.
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