
To the reader

This article is the fifth in the series of "A JSer's Dart Learning Log". This series of articles mainly aims to explore the similarities and differences between JS and Dart, while reviewing and consolidating JS while smoothly transitioning to the Dart language.
Unless otherwise specified, the JS in this article contains all the features from ES5 to ES2021, and the Dart version is 2.0 or higher.
Since the author is still a beginner to Dart, his understanding may be superficial and one-sided. It is inevitable that there will be some omissions in the generalization of knowledge. This series of articles was first published on the Sifu platform, and the errata and new content are also limited to Sifu. If you read this article elsewhere, please think about it so as not to see the unrevised content.


The five basic types of ES5 ( Number , String , Null , Undefined , Boolean ) are common interview questions, and ES2015 brings Symbol and 83f28c5 and ES2015 that are available for BigInt
In terms of data structure, JSers could only Object and Array , which was often accompanied by some unwritten constraints, until ES6 brought Map and Set . In terms of built-in data types, Dart's starting point is obviously higher than JS.

JS is an explanatory language, and its language standard restricts the running host (although the manufacturer may not follow this standard), so the memory usage can be clarified in the JS standard. For example, in addition to variable references, certain These data are also stored in the stack memory, these data are the so-called "basic type" data.
And Dart often needs to be compiled into other languages, and the behavior of explicitly restricting the host through the standard will only increase the workload. This may be the reason why Dart does not clearly specify the "basic type".

But this does not prevent us from comparing Dart's functionally similar types with JS's basic types.

One, Number

Common ground

  • Use decimal number literal declaration;
  • Use hexadecimal literal declaration;
  • Use scientific notation to declare:

    /****** Both JS and Dart ******/
    var dec = 42;
    var hex = 0X2A;
    var sic = 4e2;


1. Dart has no binary literals

  • JS uses 0b declare binary literals ( b can also be capitalized);
  • Dart does not support binary literals:

    > /*  JS  */                           | // Dart
    > var bin = 0b101010;                  | // var bin = 0b101010;
    >                                      | // 去掉上面的注释,将无法通过编译

2. int and double

  • The Number types of JS are stored and calculated in double-precision floating-point types;
  • Dart's Number divided into integer int and double-precision floating-point type double to cope with different representation and calculation requirements:

    > /*  JS  */                           | // Dart
    > var i = 1;                           | var i = 1;
    > var d = 1.1;                         | var d = 1.1;
    > console.log(typeof i);               | print(i.runtimeType);
    > console.log(typeof d);               | print(d.runtimeType);
    > // number                            | // int
    > // number                            | // double
    However, using Dartpad to measure:
    If there is only 0 after the decimal point, d.runtimeType is int ;
    However, if d declared num or int , and as double argument types, it will not compile.
    Does it mean that Dart designers are overconfident in their type inference functions?
Also in Dart:
If the two numbers are subtracted to 0, then when the == is used to determine the equality, the return is true ;
double and int , and the result type is double .

3. Create numbers from other types

  • Number constructor in JS to create a number (but you cannot use the new keyword). If the parameter is an expression of another type, the expression will be converted to a number type;
  • In Dart, only num.parse / num.tryParse can be used to convert a string to a number:

    var a = Number('2');                | var a = num.parse('2');
    parse will throw an error when encountering a string that cannot be converted to a number;
    tryParse null when it encounters a string that cannot be converted into a number;
    Both will perform strict parameter type matching.

4. Special values

  • Corresponds to NaN JS, but does not have the literal NaN
  • The Dart double.maxFinite corresponding to the JS Number.MAX_VALUE (but the particular value depends on the host environment);
  • The DART double.minPositive corresponding to the JS Number.MIN_VALUE ;
  • The DART double.infinity corresponding to the JS Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ;
  • The DART double.negativeInfinity corresponding to the JS Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY .
I don't know if they are common or different.
The Dart int type like the JS BigInt , above these values, which - all! No! Have!

Two, Boolean VS Boolean type

Common ground

  • Use literal declarations.


1. No implicit type conversion and versatile constructor

  • In JS, you can use Boolean should be used. The value of these expressions will be converted to a Boolean value during operation. This process involves a very complex truth table, which has the same effect. Call Boolean(exp) ;
  • Dart used in bool where this type must use the type and bool not an executable or a function, and no other type of value conversion method.
Therefore, when judging true or false anywhere, you must explicitly convert the expression to a Boolean type.

Three, String VS Strings

Common ground

  • You can use single and double quotes (ie " or ' ) to declare the string literal;
  • Use backslashes ( \ ) to escape special characters;
  • Use the plus sign ( + ) to concatenate strings:

    /******  Both JS and Dart ******/
    var stringA = 'This is a string';
    var stringB = 'This\'s a string';
    var stringC = stringA + stringB;

the difference

1. Multi-line string

  • ES5 does not have a multi-line string literal. Use \n represent the newline character. ES6 adds backquote ( ` ) syntax, and you can directly enter a newline by pressing Enter;
  • Dart uses triple quotation marks ( ''' or """ ) syntax to represent multi-line strings:

    > /*  JS  */                           | // Dart
    > const a =                            | const a =
    >   `Line 1st                          |   '''Line 1st;
    > Line 2nd`;                           | Line 2nd''';
    > console.log(a);                      | print(a);
    > // Line 1st \nLine 2nd               | // Line 1st \nLine 2nd 

2. String template

  • ES5 also does not have a string template function. Developers usually use string splicing or fragment replacement to embed expressions into strings. In the new backtick syntax of ES6, you can use ${exp} to string to achieve the same effect;
  • All strings in Dart can use ${exp} or $varName to embed the value of an expression/variable in a string:

    > /*  JS  */                           | // Dart
    > const val = 'expression';            | const val = 'expression';
    > var oldVer = 'This is ' + val;       | const oldVer = "This is $val";
    > const newVer = `This is ${val}`;     | const newVer = 'This is ${val}';
    > console.log(oldVer === newVer);      | print(oldVer == newVer);
    > // true                              | // true

3. No implicit conversion and constructor

  • In JS, we can use a string to concatenate any expression to get a new string. The .toString method of the expression will be executed by default, and you can also use String(exp) convert the expression to a string;
  • In Dart, strings cannot be connected with other types of expressions, and Strings is not a callable function or constructor.
With the help of operator overloading, we should be able to implement implicit type conversion in Dart. The only question is: do we need this?

4. raw string

  • JS does not have the raw string, and there is no similar concept;
  • In Dart, add a r before the quotation mark to indicate that the slash in this string is not an escape character:

    // Dart only
    const raw = r'In a raw string, not even \n gets special treatment.';

    \n here will not be treated as a newline character.

Of course, as the most common basic type in UI programming, string has many convenient methods and rich usage. It is expected that listing these similarities and differences will take up a lot of space.

Four, Symbol

Common ground

  • Use Symbol(String t) create a Symbol :

    /****** Both JS and Dart ******/
    const symbol = Symbol('symbol');


1. Equality of different Symbol instances

  • Different Symbols in JS are not equal, even if the strings passed in when they are created are the same;
  • Symbol Dart are the same, the resulting instances are equal:

    > /*  JS  */                         | // Dart
    > const a = Symbol('symbol');        | const a = Symbol('symbol');
    > const b = Symbol('symbol');        | const b = Symbol('symbol');
    > console.log(a == b);               | console.log(a == b);
    > // false                           | // true

2. # No. 0616a7f83f366b

  • In Dart, you can use # quickly declare a constant Symbol :

    print('This is ${#symbol}');
    // This is Symbol("symbol")


    • You should also bring # when you use it;
    • Statement Symbol clear compile-time constants, and therefore can no longer use var , const , late keywords such, can not be used Symbol declare its type.

Five, Null VS Null && Undefined

  • There are two types of null values in JS: undefined and null . The types are undefined and Null respectively. The former is often used as the default value of an unassigned variable, while the latter is often used as the return value when some interfaces have no target value;
  • In Dart, only the null null value is used as the default value of the unassigned variable. In the null safe ( sound null safety ) mode, the Type? syntax must be used to assign a value:

    String? someString = null;
    // 空安全模式下,需要使用`?`,才能为变量声明初值

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