Translator: Frontend Xiaozhi
Author: Nastassia Ovchinnikova
Source: flatlogic.com

If you have dreams and dry goods, search on [Daily Move to the World] still doing dishes in the early morning.

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One of the advantages of Vue over React is that it is easy to understand and learn, and it accounts for the majority in China. We can create any web application with the help of Vue. Therefore, it is also very important to always understand some new and easy-to-use Vue open source projects. On the one hand, it can help us develop more efficiently. On the other hand, we can also learn the essence of it by model.

Next, let's take a look at the new and useful open source projects.


URL: http://uigradients.com/

GitHub: https://github.com/ghosh/uiGradients

GitHub Stars: 4.6k


The color array and excellent UX are a highlight of this project, and gradients are still a growing trend in web design. We can choose the color we need, and get all possible gradients, and get the corresponding CSS code, and save it quickly.


A collection of CSS over-effects

URL: https://cssfx.dev

GitHub: https://github.com/jolaleye/cssfx

GitHub Stars: 3.5k


There are many CSS filtering effects in CSSFX. We can select a specific animation according to our needs, click on the corresponding effect to see the generated CSS code, let's get started.

Sing App Vue Dashboard

A management template

URL: https://flatlogic.com/templates/sing-app-vue-dashboard

GitHub: https://github.com/flatlogic/sing-app-vue-dashboard

GitHub Stars: 254

: https://flatlogic.com/templates/sing-app-vue-dashboard/demo

document: https://demo.flatlogic.com/sing-app/documentation/


This is a free and open source management template based on the latest Vue and Bootstrap, which is actually similar to our domestic vue-admin-template . We don't have to use it, but we can study and learn the source code, I believe we can learn a lot of practical skills, cheer young people.

Vue Storefront

URL: https://www.vuestorefront.io

GitHub: https://github.com/DivanteLtd/vue-storefront

GitHub Stars: 5.8k


This is a PWA that can be connected to any backend (or almost any backend). The main advantage of this project is the use of a headless architecture. This is a comprehensive solution that offers us many possibilities (huge support for a steadily growing community, server-side rendering, will improve web SEO, mobile-first approach and offline mode.


Icon-generated library

URL: https://www.faviator.xyz

GitHub: https://www.faviator.xyz/playground

GitHub Stars: 94


If you need to create an icon to increase experience. Any Google font and any color can be used. Just go through the preferred configuration and choose PNG, SVG or JPG format.


Vue UI component library

URL: https://iviewui.com/

GitHub: https://github.com/iview/iview

GitHub Stars: 22.8k


Constant iterative updates make this set of UI components a good choice for developers of any skill level.

To use iView, you need to have a full understanding of a single file component. The project has a friendly API and a large amount of documentation.


API request builder

URL: https://postwoman.io/

GitHub: https://github.com/liyasthomas/postwoman

GitHub Stars: 10.5k


This is similar to Postman. It is free, has many participants, and has multi-platform and multi-device support. This tool is really fast and has a lot of updates. The creator of the tool claims that there will be more features in the near future.

Vue Virtual Scroller

Fast scroll

URL: https://akryum.github.io/vue-virtual-scroller/#/

GitHub: https://github.com/Akryum/vue-virtual-scroller

GitHub Stars: 3.4k


Vue Virtual Scroller has four main components. RecycleScroller can render the visible items in the list. If we do not know the specific amount of data, it is best to use DynamicScroller . DynamicScrollerItem everything in DynamicScroller (to handle size changes). IdState simplifies local state management (inside RecycleScroller ).

Mint UI

Mobile UI library

URL: http://mint-ui.github.io/#!/en

GitHub: https://github.com/ElemeFE/mint-ui

GitHub Stars: 15.2k


Use ready-made CSS and JS components to build mobile applications faster. With this tool, we don't have to take the risk of excessive file size, because it can be loaded on demand. The animation is processed by CSS3 to improve performance.

Everyone said that there is no project to write on the resume, so I helped you find a project and also included [Building Tutorial] .

V Calendar

Dependency-free plugin for building calendar

URL: https://vcalendar.io

GitHub: https://github.com/nathanreyes/v-calendar

GitHub Stars: 1.6k


You can choose different visual indicators to decorate the calendar. V Calendar also provides us with three date selection modes:

  • Single choice
  • Multiple choice
  • Date range

Vue Design System

A set of UI tools

URL: https://vueds.com/

GitHub: https://github.com/viljamis/vue-design-system

GitHub Stars: 1.7k


This is a well-organized tool, and its naming is easy to understand for any web development team. One of the great advantages is the use of a more beautiful code formatter, which can automatically arrange the code before submitting to Git.


Combination of functional props of UI components

URL: https://proppyjs.com

GitHub: https://github.com/fahad19/proppy

GitHub Stars: 856


ProppyJS is a small library for combining props. It comes with a variety of integrated packages, allowing you to use its popular rendering library freely.

The idea is to first express the behavior of the Component as props, and then use the same API of Proppy to connect it to your Component (which can be React, Vue.js or Preact).

The API also allows you to access other application-wide dependencies (such as stores using Redux) to facilitate anywhere in the component tree.

Light Blue Vue Admin

Vue background display template

URL: https://flatlogic.com/templates/light-blue-vue-lite

GitHub: https://github.com/flatlogic/light-blue-vue-admin

GitHub Stars: 79


example: https://demo.flatlogic.com/light-blue-vue-admin/#/app/dashboard

Document: https://demo.flatlogic.com/light-blue/documentation/

The template was constructed Vue CLI and Bootstrap 4 As you can see from the demo, this template has a set of very basic pages: layout, map, chart, chat interface, etc. If we need an extended template, you can take a look at Light Blue Vue Full . It has more than 60 components, no jquery, and two color themes.

Vue API Query

Build a request for the REST API

GitHub: https://github.com/robsontenorio/vue-api-query
GitHub Stars: 1.1k


There is nothing to say about this project. What it does is exactly the same as what is written in the description line: it helps us build REST API requests.

Vue Grid Layout

Vue's grid layout

Website: https://jbaysolutions.github.io/vue-grid-layout/examples/01-basic.html
GitHub: https://github.com/jbaysolutions/vue-grid-layout
GitHub Stars: 3.1k


Simple solution to all grid related problems. It has static, resizable and draggable widgets. Still the response and layout can be restored and serialized. If you need to add another widget, you don't have to rebuild all the grids.

Vue Content Loader

Create a placeholder to load

Website: http://danilowoz.com/create-vue-content-loader
GitHub: https://github.com/egoist/vue-content-loader
GitHub Stars: 2k


When we develop a website or APP, when there is too much content and the loading speed is slow, it will cause the user to open the page with a lot of blank pages. vue-content-loader is a component to solve this problem, so that a dom template is generated before loading the content to improve the user experience .

Echarts with Vue2.0

data visualization

Website: https://simonzhangiter.github.io/DataVisualization/#/dashboard
GitHub: https://github.com/SimonZhangITer/DataVisualization
GitHub Stars: 1.3k


In the picture, we can see a very beautiful chart. This project makes any data more readable, easier to understand and explain. It allows us to easily detect trends and patterns in any data set.

Everyone said that there is no project to write on the resume, so I helped you find a project and also included [Building Tutorial] .

Vue.js Modal

Highly customizable modal frame

Website: http://vue-js-modal.yev.io/
GitHub: https://github.com/euvl/vue-js-modal
GitHub Stars: 2.9k


You can view all the different types of modalities on this website. There are 15 buttons, press any button to see a modal example.


Frame components

Website: https://lusaxweb.github.io/vuesax/
GitHub: https://github.com/lusaxweb/vuesax
GitHub Stars: 3.7k


This project is very popular in the community. It allows us to design different styles for each component. Vuesax emphasized that every web developer should have the freedom of choice when doing web design.

Vue2 Animate

vue2.0 -Use animate.css build projects and create components

Website: https://the-allstars.com/vue2-animate/
GitHub: https://github.com/asika32764/vue2-animate
GitHub Stars: 1.1k


This library is cross-browser, we can choose from 5 types of animation: rotate , slide , fade , bounce and zoom . There is a demo on the website. The default duration of the animation is 1 second, but we can customize this parameter.


Vue.js toolset

Website: https://vuetensils.stegosource.com
GitHub: https://github.com/stegosource/vuetensils
GitHub Stars: 111


This UI library has a standard function, but the coolest thing is that it has no additional styles. You can make the design as personal as possible and apply all the requirements. Just write the style you need, add it to your project, and include as many components as you need.

Talents’ [Three Lian] is the biggest motivation for Xiaozhi to keep sharing. If there are any errors or suggestions in this blog, we welcome talents to leave a message. Finally, thank you for watching.

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