: In digital transformation, how can enterprises take advantage of the trend when they go to the cloud? In the current rapid technology iteration, how can digital intelligence innovation rely on wind? The opening of the Yunqi Conference in 2021 is about to begin. As #政企数智创意的伴者#, what kind of answer will Alibaba Cloud Hybrid Cloud deliver?

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In the wave of digital upgrade,
How do companies go to the cloud to take advantage of the trend?
At the moment of rapid technology iteration,
How does digital intelligence innovation rely on wind?

As a peer of digital intelligence innovation in government and enterprise
What kind of answer will Alibaba Cloud Hybrid Cloud hand over?
sneak peek

Alibaba Cloud has been deeply involved in the hybrid cloud field for many years. As early as 2014, it realized that hybrid cloud and public cloud adopt the same architecture and have the same origin. It is the first fully self-developed native hybrid cloud in China. It has undergone many years of double eleven test and industry practice. The temper of it is the largest mature commercial native hybrid cloud in China.

After years of technology accumulation, from the early single hybrid cloud product to the current "One Cloud" solution, Alibaba Cloud has built a complete system of full-stack cloud construction, smart managed cloud, and extreme cloud use, which has become the core of the digital upgrade of government and enterprises infrastructure.

2021 Yunqi Conference
Alibaba Cloud Hybrid Cloud Apsara Stack 2.0
<Exploration and Practice of Integration of Construction, Management and Application> Sub-forum
Arrived on schedule

We will
With government and enterprise customers
Sharing the way of digital intelligence innovation between government and enterprise
With partners
Create a new pattern of ecological opening

<Hybrid Cloud Sub-forum>
October 21, 2021 9:00-11:00
305 Weiyun Hall, Area B, International Convention and Exhibition Center, Yunqi Town, Hangzhou

<Hybrid Cloud Exhibition Area>
October 19-22, 2021 8:00-17:30
Hangzhou Yunqi Town International Convention and Exhibition Center C Hall Number of Intelligence [Alibaba Cloud Ten Core Technology Exhibition Area]

October 21, 2021 (Thursday)
Yunqi Town, Hangzhou, China
Looking forward to seeing you


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