Introduction to now asks questions about error codes and reports, or answers questions about codes during the event. Custom mechanical keyboards, community backpacks, headsets, and Mi Mouse Lite are available for free!
Can't find the reason for the error? The code is always not concise and elegant enough? Bugs frequently occur, solve them? Code Emergency Room " of the developer community Q&A series activities is coming!
Now questions about error codes, error reports, etc., or answers questions about code during the event period, that is, there is a chance to win a big prize, and the puzzle is not wrong!
prize settings
Don't know where to start?
You can start by answering the following questions!
2. ossutil mounts crontab and executes an error, what happened?
3. ossimport upload oss timeout, how to solve it
5. installation dependent library fuse error report, please solve
9. Windows startup error "An operating system wasn't found". How to troubleshoot
10. Windows startup error "No bootable device", is there a solution?
11. windows activation error 0xC004F074, what is the reason?
12. activation error, error 0x80070020 or 0x80041010 after slmgr /ato, what happened?
13. The Windows patch failed. After restarting, the patch rolls back and the server starts
14. Windows patch installation error 80070005, seeking a solution
15. Windows install patch error 80070005, why?
16. Windows installer service failed to start, what happened?
17. Windows process crashes, and there are 1000 errors in the application log. What is the reason?
18. windows activation failed, the error is reported as follows, please solve
19. linux system cannot log in remotely, and the following error message appears. What is causing it?
22. ossutil operation object appears "The operation is not valid for the object's state", please solve
24. can run locally, why my IDE reports generic problems
25. 16177a071a51f7 runs \d+ and
26. base hmaster reports an error when starting up, what's the matter?
28. Ask a question: When spark case class is integrated with fastjson, an error will be reported. Why?
29. I use code to test and report an error, seeking a solution
30. clickhouse\_fdw This plugin reports an error when compiling, is there a
31. help to take a look at this error report, thanks!
32. This code runs an error, what's the matter?
33. actual combat sparkrdddemo running error, seek a solution
34. reported when running SparkParqueDemo in the hbase-analyse-demo project?
35. Is there a solution for this error in my execution result? The error is as follows:
36. ossutil has a skip situation, what's the matter?
37. web player android is playing abnormally, what is the reason?
39. uses openkruise, make install has this kind of error, is it a kustomize version problem?
40. pgpool two nodes start or report an error, can anyone help me see where the configuration is wrong?
Activity time
October 18-October 28
Prize mailing time
It will be mailed within 7 working days after the event ends, and holidays will be postponed.
Participation steps
Step 1: 1. Click: enter the Q&A section, after logging in successfully, click "I want to ask a question" to ask a question;
If you answer a question, you can search for keywords to find the question to answer;
Step 2: Submit your relevant information to facilitate statistics and gift delivery. (Submission address: )
Activity Q&A
Dingding scans the QR code below to join the Q&A official activity group and get first-hand information on the progress of the activity.
Activity Rules
1. For each participating user, the prize cannot be obtained repeatedly. If more than two conditions are met at the same time, the winner can choose the prize;
2. The question and answer must be conducted around the theme, and the total number of questions and answers shall be calculated according to the submission during the event;
3. Questions and answers must be in Chinese, English does not record data;
4. After the question or answer is released, it will enter the review state, and it can be viewed after the review is completed;
5. The user submits the personal link and prize-receiving address according to the rules during the activity period, which is deemed to have participated in the activity, and if it exceeds the submission time, it is deemed to have been abandoned;
6. Titles, black drafts, drafts, articles containing illegal or unlicensed commercial promotion, links to external sites, non-original content, marketing soft articles, and articles suspected of plagiarism will not be approved, and qualifications will be disqualified.
Cloud Developer Community Q&A Channel Cares and rewards everyone who loves technology and seeks the truth.
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