Earlier last week, Microsoft removed a key hot reload feature in the upcoming .NET 6 release, which angered the .NET open source community. Just now, Microsoft has revoked the decision to delete the "hot reload feature" and apologized for it:
“First and foremost, we want to apologize. We made a mistake in executing our decision and took longer than expected to respond back to the community.”
Microsoft said that the most important point is that they want to apologize. They made a mistake in implementing the decision and took longer than expected to respond to the community.
The so-called "Hot Reload" is a key function that allows developers to change the source code while the application is running and see the effect immediately.
Previously, Microsoft had chosen to limit the "hot reload function" to its own Visual Studio 2022, so the function was only available for Windows, and the cost was high. According to The Verge, the plan was decided by Julia Liuson, president of Microsoft's development department, to remove this feature, citing the reasoning as a "business-centric initiative."
After the removal of the Hot Reload function from the .NET SDK repo caused a "protest" in the open source community, Microsoft has now revoked its plan to remove this key feature from the upcoming .NET6 version. Because Microsoft was strongly opposed to deleting this important feature, Microsoft also officially apologized to the open source community.
Microsoft explained in the blog: "As the release time of the .NET 6 version and Visual Studio 2022 is getting closer, we chose to focus on the hot reload of VS2022 first. We made a mistake in implementing the plan ." "We inadvertently deleted the source code instead of not calling the code path. We underestimated the number of developers relying on this feature."
At the end of the blog post, Microsoft once again apologized and said: "Our desire is to create an open and vibrant ecosystem for .NET. Like many companies, we are also learning to consider the needs of the OSS community and the role of .NET. Balance between corporate sponsors."
"Sometimes, we can’t do this. When we don’t, all we can do is learn from our mistakes and move forward better. Thank you for all your feedback and contributions over the years. We are committed to Yu is developing .NET in the open and looking forward to continuing to work closely with the community."
Just now, Microsoft has "approved the pull request" to re-enable this code path, which will be included in the general version of the .NET 6 SDK.
Although Microsoft has withdrawn the plan, and it will be the result that the .NET community likes to hear, some foreign media commented on the article, "The incident still left some'shadow' in the hearts of many developers in the circle."
Of course, the result of this matter now is good. I believe that as Microsoft said in the blog post, in the process of continuous exploration and self-renewal, in the future, we will continue to work closely with the community to create an open and vibrant ecosystem. .
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