Path analysis visually presents the usage of the application and provides data support for the continuous iterative optimization of the product. The user's product preference is usually analyzed by various event nodes in the number of users' one session. However, for products with multiple business lines, after a large number of incidents are buried, the path will become very complicated. Sankey diagrams cannot effectively and quickly compare user behavior differences.

Huawei Analytics Service version 6.3.0 adds a new page path analysis model, which uses the page as the minimum circulation node, and focuses on the user's visit to the abnormal page. At the same time, it can further explore the deep value needs of the page jump in the user application, and help the product continue Improve user experience.

1. From face to point, simplify the journey of restoring users

Take shopping apps as an example. Usually, in order to analyze the key conversion path of a user's purchase, the following events are defined: view goods-add to shopping cart-start settlement-payment completed. When the user completes the closed loop of the purchase event, he may go through a series of actions such as searching, viewing product details, and viewing user reviews. If you want to completely restore the user's purchase journey and optimize the user experience, you need to bury different events on each page.

*Conversation path analysis model schematic

For development, the workload of such burying points is very complicated; for products and operations, the path formed by a large number of event stacks is intricately intertwined, with poor readability, and it is impossible to quickly locate abnormally lost nodes of users. From the macro to the micro, from the whole to the local, it can help us quickly find the root cause of the problem. Page path analysis through a clear and simplified page flow Sankey diagram, from a macro level, helps us quickly locate the problem of abnormal loss.

Different from the session path analysis that uses events as nodes, page path analysis uses pages as the smallest unit to simplify the intricate in-app journey to the page level. Through the face-to-point method, first analyze which pages have abnormal losses. Relocate whether there is a logical design contradiction in the event flow of the page.

*Schematic diagram of page path analysis model

For example, when it is found that the user churn rate from the payment page to the payment completion page is very high, which is lower than the product manager’s design estimate, we should consider: the user gave up the payment, which page did it go to? Are there common factors? If the percentage of lost users returning from the payment page to the product detail page is high, there may be an unreasonable place in the design of the payment page. Coupon usage questions and unintuitive display of order information content are all factors that need to be considered in the iterative optimization process for page event design to be optimized.
Through this face-to-point, page-to-event approach, operating students can quickly locate the problem of abnormal churn at key conversion nodes.

2. Pay attention to high-frequency page jumps and continue to iterate and optimize

User experience upgrade is the driving force for continuous product iteration. The rich and diverse user journey within the product reflects the different needs of users in the actual use process. More iterative optimization directions can be explored through the page path analysis model.

For example, in a community app, "Homepage-Search Results Page-Details Page" is a line used by regular users. Through the page path analysis, it is found that the flow rate from the detail page to the search page is also very large. It is reasonable to infer that users have questions and other new content of interest when browsing the details. The product manager can consider the relevant Hyperlink explanations and annotations are made on keywords to optimize the user's browsing experience.

In addition to focusing on functional optimization points, if there are too frequent jumps between two pages, you need to consider the correlation between the pages. Subtracting the page, simplifying the page appropriately, simplifying the page containing two functions to the same page, shortening the user journey, will be conducive to the improvement of user experience.

The page path analysis model helps the product explore the deep value needs of the user’s page jumps in the application, provides a direction for the product manager’s design iterative optimization ideas, and helps maximize the value of the product.

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